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Organizational Behavior

Order Description The idea of a learning portfolio like this is twofold: It provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate to us the work that you have done on BE410. This means that you have to show us that you have read and understood not only the readings from classes and lectures, but also some […]


USE AT LEAST 10 OF THE CITED REFERENCES BELOW; The debate over whether physician-assisted suicide is ethical and should be legal has persisted for many years. Although many people feel the taking of a life is morally and biblically wrong, legalizing physician-assisted suicide can be a compassionate way to end suffering and pain due to […]

Caring for the elderly

The 2001 census indicated that for the first time the UK had more people aged over 60 than under 16. Improved healthcare and living standards have contributed to the ageing population. One person in five is over 60. There are now 1.1 million people aged over 85 – five times the figure of 50 years […]

Define the process of planning,Implementation and evaluation in the role of the RN in planning,Implementation and role of the LPN/LVN

Order Description Define the process of Planning, Implementation and Evaluation in the Nursing Process. What is the role of the RN in Planning, Implementation and Evaluation and how does it differ from the role of the LPN/LVN. This is a paper to be submitted on engrade by Your paper has to be at least 2 […]

The Perceived Needs of Bedridden and Homebound Patients Who Live Alone and Identification of Quality of Safety and Health Conditions

Purpose There are numerous geriatric patients who either live alone or live with spouses who can offer very limited or no help. In cases where such patients are bedridden it is often difficult for them to access the kind of care required both as a result of their age and their condition and hence have […]

Childhood Obesity policy presentation

Order Description 1. Describe your visit, including any PowerPoint presentation materials that you utilized during your policymaker visit. Limit these slides to five slides in this project (of the 15 total slides). 2. Discuss the response of the policymaker to your message/ask/recommendation(s). 3. Reflect on the process, follow-up plans, insights gained about the issue and […]

Advanced directives with previous competent patients

Order Description On the selected case study provided and apply clear ethical reasoning to it. This is a brief paper on a the below case scenario study provided involving advanced directives. This project is an opportunity to apply ethical reasoning and ethical theories on a contemporary topic. Your analysis paper will be formatted in APA […]

Nurses perception of patient safety culture in north hospitals

Project description Criteria to be addressed in research proposal evaluation: 1- Title page 2- Problem statement, purpose, questions, hypothesis, variables, definition of terms. 3- Conceptual or theoretical framework utilized. 4- Quality and depth of literature review, use of current references. 5- Methodology: state whether study is quantitative or qualitative, design, sample size/type/selection, instruments for data […]

Identifying a Research-able Problem Fibromyalgia

Identifying a Researchable Problem Fibromyalgia   Paper details Project: Course Project: Part 1—Identifying a Researchable Problem Formulating a question that targets the goal of your research is a challenging but essential task. The question plays a crucial role in all other aspects of the research, including the determination of the research design and theoretical perspective […]

Nutrition and Malnutrition in adult in hospital

Order Description its very important te writer read the following guidelines carfully….the essay its 3000 litrature review reseacrh,i will attached a sample essay fro the writer to have a full picture of what i want, pls i would like the writer to used Cinahl database for the litrature search, add maximum of 5 primary research […]

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