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Global Climate Change and Health

For this Application, write a 3- to 4-page paper outlining the health concerns related to global climate change. Include health promotion/health protection strategies a BSN nurse could implement. Compare concerns in the U.S. with other countries. Use the following guidelines and evaluation criteria and the headings below for each section. Use a minimum of three […]

Discuss current polices and initiatives addressing postpartum depression

2. Describe how postpartum depression influences the nursing practice 3. Cite and reference at least 5 scholarly nursing journals (i can give you access to them if need be, just let me know)

Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale Custom Essay

Kindly use the same sources as it is mentioned in the outline. but make sure scholarly books, journals, authoritative web sites and i also mention the initial experience paragraph. Use the same experience one but paraphrase it. Description of essay : Your essay should be approxmately 1500 words (7 double spaced typed pages) or a […]

Professional development plan for the nurse educator Custom Essay

Conclude with a summary of the key points in each part of your paper, including citations for supporting literature. Include a minimum of 17–20 references, with at least 15 of your references coming from peer-reviewed sources. Use correct APA style and formatting. Pay particular attention to citations and references. APA Refresher may be helpful to […]

Quantitative Critique

Main Headings What is the research question or issue in this study? Was the problem clear? Is the problem significant for nursing? Hypothesis Is the question and/or hypothesis explicitly stated? If not hypothesis, what do you think is the research question or hypothesis? Did the research clearly specific the study variables? Literature review (p. 127) […]

The dissemination plan of evidence-based research is to produce evidence to guide improvements in current policies and practice Custom Essay

(1)The dissemination plan of evidence-based research is to produce evidence to guide improvements in current policies and practice. It constant challenges researched to use proven approaches and stop using strategies that do not work. An effective dissemination on the research consistently looks at ways to better understand problems, make informed decisions, and to identify successful […]

Executive Strategic Planning Retreat

Answer the questions below using the readings you have been assigned to read so far this semester. Put a heading on your paper that includes your name, the course number. Date due and also use a running head that includes the page number and your name. Double-space the paper and use 1 inch margins with […]

Portion of the Health Promotion Project Custom Paper

  The following is the template to be used for the Article Review (Part 2, Step 1) portion of the Health Promotion Project. Primary/Secondary Research Study -OR- Integrative Review 1. A primary or secondary research study is one that reports on data and findings from ONLY ONE study. A primary study is based on the […]

Health Screening and History of an Adolescent or Young Adult Client (A Direct Care Experience) Custom Essay

  In this assignment, you will be completing a comprehensive health screening and history on a young adult. To complete this assignment, do the following: Select an adolescent or young adult client on whom to perform a health screening and history. Students who do not work in an acute setting may “practice” these skills with […]

Applied Plan for Program Design and Evaluation Custom Essay

Assignment specifics You are part of a behavioral consulting team providing consultation to local service agencies in your area. Choose one of the following scenarios and write a comprehensive plan for program design and evaluation You are being asked to apply what you have learned about how Evidence-Based Program Planning applies to organization-wide behavioral interventions. […]

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