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Proposal for improved Healthcare Research based on the modern technologies at AHRQ

Introduction The Agency for Healthcare Research Quality is a federal agency under the United States Department of Health and Human Services that has the responsibility of ensuring that there is improved superiority, safety, competence and efficacy in the delivery of healthcare services and medical research. This is in accordance with the mission of the organization. […]

Applying Law And Ethics In Practice

Often, healthcare personnel are faced with difficult decisions while in their line of duty. For instance a patient is brought in the ER and his condition evaluated. It is reported that the individual’s condition requires urgent medical attention. This individual does not have a penny to his name and is unable to pay for the […]

Planning for the Baby Boomers in the Central Minnesota

Introduction The retirement of baby boomer generation in the coming two decades will impose significant demographic shifts in the state of Minnesota, with the elderly population of 65 years and more increasing from 12 to 20 percent of the total state’s population. The existing traditional housing does not meet the demand and preferences of many […]

Depression and Old Age

Introduction Many people perceive old age as time for resting, reflecting and an opportunity to perform activities that beyond pursuing during their career period. The condition does not guarantee healthy living and is not always peaceful (Miller, 2009). Old age is defined as the age of an individual approaching or beyond the average lifespan of […]

Overview of Educational Concepts and Beliefs

Introduction Steutel (2006) defines education as the process of passing on knowledge to learners. Education is mostly a voluntary act and requires that the active participation of learners in the learning process by being willing to learn. Irrespective of different educational systems across the globe, they all have the same goals, which include enhancing understanding, […]

Whistle-Blowing in the Federal Government Workplace

Summary of the Topic Whistle-blowing involves informing the public or a person in authority concerning illegal and dishonest activities taking place in a government workplace, companies, or in private or public organizations (Bouville, 2007). Potential forms of whistle-blowing at the federal workplace include gross mismanagement, fraud, abuse of authority, and violations of law and regulation. […]

The pros and cons of electronic medical records

Abstract This paper reviewed the pros and cons of electronic medical records to advocate for the transition towards the use of electronic medical records. The pros of EMRs discussed in the essay are: the elimination of medical errors, enhanced security and safety, and cost efficiency because of data consolidation. The cons of EMRs are possible […]

What roles do leadership and physicians play in an HCO’s clinical quality improvement program?

Clinical quality is an extremely sensitive subject; implying stakeholders in healthcare organizations have the responsibility of approaching the matter with high levels of insight and focus. Physicians and leaders play distinctive roles need to guarantee high degrees of clinical quality. First, physicians and leaders must guarantee that clinical care is primarily patient-centred. As a result, […]

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

Summary This paper discusses why Henrietta’s family need to be compensated from all the profits made from her cells. The paper has shown that HeLa cells are a significant milestone I medical research; as a result, the donor and her family members need to benefit from the profits accrued from the discovery using her cells. […]

Do Terminally Ill Patients Receive Sufficient Information From The Health Care Providers Regarding The End Of Life Decisions?

Introduction Dying people and their families are often faced with the challenge of making decisions including several choices that may be spiritual, legal, medical or psychosocial in nature. For instance, the dying individuals and their respective families are supposed to make decisions regarding the setting of treatment, whether home or institutionalized, and the form of […]

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