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coverage for domestic partners

Unit IV Research Paper Research 2 companies in the Fortune 500 that offer partner benefits. Compare and contrast the 2 companies as you answer the following questions:  How do the requirements for coverage for domestic partners, such as length of the relationship compare with requirements for benefits of married couples?  Do companies usually […]


Given an essay or scholarly article in any media, develop an informed opinion which includes external evidence and personal experience. Given persuasive rhetorical strategies, such as appeals to reasoning, credibility and emotion, demonstrate the strategies to advance an argument. Given a student-selected topic, organize ideas through prewriting tasks and prepare a persuasive draft. Given strategies […]

Analyzing World Cultures

Media play a very large role in both the development and the perpetuation of cultural elements. You may never have watched a foreign movie or even clips evaluating other cultures. In this assignment, you will explore online videos or movies from a culture of your choice and analyze how cultural elements are presented, compared to […]

Similarities and Differences in Adolescent Development

the experience of being an adolescent the same for males and females? Is it different? If so, how different?

Social Media Marketing

Discuss whether your buying patterns have been impacted by Facebook. If they have, provide specific examples. If they have not, describe how your buying patterns have been influenced by another social media platform. Provide rationale and justification for response.

Radiological Weapons

The purpose of this assignment is to write a 1-3 page paper, using APA format, answering the following questions: 1. What do you think is the possibility of a rogue state, terrorist, or individual acquiring radiological material to produce a nuclear weapon? 2. How significant a threat do you consider terrorist organizations building nuclear weapons […]

Issues and Dilemmas of Contemporary Public Administration

In 3-4 pages, discuss public interest, administrative responsibility and some of the recent ethical obligations confronting public administrators in their day to day decision making. Also examine the recent trend in privatizing government functions and discuss if it posses any dilemma for the attainment of public interest. Be sure to use relevant examples to illustrate […]

Family Systems in Social Work Practice

Families are as unique as the individuals who form them. While you may utilize the same or similar techniques, while working with family systems (through the steps in the GIM and related practice skills), it is also important to recognize that each family has its own unique needs and experiences in the world. The empowerment […]

Global Linguistic Discrimination

My paper is on global linguistic discrimination. Some of the examples that I planned to use were Ebonics in America and how some people are viewed as uneducated if they speak ebonics and how some people in other country are in poverty because they do not speak the International Language of English. The main focus […]

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