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Ethical nursing issues affecting today’s global society

Overview Identify a topic related to legal or ethical nursing issues affecting today’s global society either from those we have reviewed or from one chosen from another source. The topic I have chosen is Hospice Care. When should a decision about entering a hospice program be made and who should make it? Develop a lecture […]

Scientific Journal Article Critique

Each time you evaluate an article, you will complete Part I and Part II. You will submit on a typed hardcopy Part I., and Part II on the due date listed in your syllabus.   Part I. Skim the article (take light notes) Read the abstract. The abstract informs you of the major findings of […]

Habit reversal and differential reinforcement

Habit reversal and differential reinforcement Part one: How can habit reversal procedures work to decrease thumb sucking behavior in a 7-year-old child? How does the use of the competing response work in habit reversal procedures? How would you select an appropriate competing response? Part two: How can differential reinforcement be implemented to enhance a habit […]

Sigmund Freud's Interpretation of Dreams and Other Theories

Paper has 5 parts: 1. Cover Page (Your name and title) 2. Table of contents 3. Body (10 pages) 4. Works Cited

Sigmund Freud’s Interpretation of Dreams and Other Theories

Paper has 5 parts: 1. Cover Page (Your name and title) 2. Table of contents 3. Body (10 pages) 4. Works Cited

Breast Cancer

paper details: MLA Format, Sources: two college journals, newspaper, and internet. Has to be an argument with a strong claim. Must have reasons and evidence to support the claim. Must contain a Works Cited page. my paper is only a final draft not a rough draft

pancreatic cancer

Assignment:paper Subject:+36 Study Level:Specialized Page Count:3 Number of sources:4 Spacing:double Deadline:15hrs Topic:pancreatic cancer Citation:APA English:US Order Number:3630 Details:I need a abstract page title page running head: each page numbered in right hand corner please. Please include Jack Andraka the 15 year old boy with new discovery in pancreatic cancer. also a little bit on preventive […]


Assignment:paper Subject:+37 Study Level:Specialized Page Count:3 Number of sources:3 Spacing:double Deadline:25hrs Topic:Encephalopathy Citation:APA English:US Order Number:8968 Details:This a a first year nursing paper on any peer reviewed article that i want. It must be a peer reviewed article and it cannot sound like a doctor wrote the paper. Just basic info on what encephalopathy is, […]

Hypertension among Asian Americans

Assignment:paper Subject:+36 Study Level:Specialized Page Count:5 Number of sources:6 Spacing:double Deadline:h10 Topic:Hypertension in Asian American Citation:APA English:US Order Number:7877 Details:history of hypertension on Asian Americans, with health disparities, morbidity and mortality.

Under what conditions will a parasite (or pathogen) evolve to be more harmful (or less harmful) to its host?

Assignment:paper Subject:+94 Study Level:Specialized Page Count:8 Number of sources:5 Spacing:double Deadline:h10 Topic:Under what conditions will a parasite (or pathogen) evolve to be more harmful (or less harmful) to its host? Discuss both theory and evidence Citation:APA English:US Order Number:2129 Details:Under what conditions will a parasite (or pathogen) evolve to be more harmful (or less harmful) […]

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