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What do you think about the comparison between embryonic stem cell research and research on adult human beings or children? Is the comparison a fair one? What do you think is the moral status of a human embryo – and why? Some argue that if the research on embryonic stem cells can help treat Parkinson’s, […]

Bacterial Staining techniques

Assignment:paper Subject:89 Study Level:Bachelor Page Count:2 Number of sources:0 Spacing:double Deadline: Sat, Feb 13, 3 pm Topic: Citation:APA English:US Order Number:2628 Details: By inventing the simple microscope, van Leeuwenhoek became the first to observe and describe Bacteria by 1683. Two hundred years later, Hans Christian Gram introduced a staining technique. The most universal staining technique […]

biology quiz

) Instructions: Respond to the following questions by including a typed explanation. You are allowed to use your book, your notes, and your classmates as sources to answer any question. Written responses must be in your own words. Your work cannot be similar to the work of your classmates. The quiz is due as a […]

lab work help

Lab work help. Due 24 hours Attached find labwork manual. Fill it respectively. Among the plants to be tested are: Arrowhead, Coleus, Devil’s Ivy, Dieffenbachia, English Ivy, Geranium, Rubber Plant, Weeping Fig and Zebra Plant. No plagiarism and I need quality work. Due 24 hours. Follow instructions provided in the manual. Attachments: bio_1100_unit_viii_homework.pdf Biology homework […]

Human Cloning

How does human cloning compare with other reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization, hormone treatments, or other forms? Pick one or two of the topics below to discuss in your original discussion post. Make sure you include scientific terms from the unit to support your statements. Your response to another person should be about […]


Holly, age 28, has been consuming a strict vegetarian (vegan) diet — no animal products of any kind — for the past few years. A few of her friends, who consume dairy products, eggs and meat, are surprised at her excellent appearance and apparently good health.   Your essay should use 12-point font, be double spaced […]

Scientific Journal Article Critique

Each time you evaluate an article, you will complete Part I and Part II. You will submit on a typed hardcopy Part I., and Part II on the due date listed in your syllabus.   Part I. Skim the article (take light notes) Read the abstract. The abstract informs you of the major findings of […]

Under what conditions will a parasite (or pathogen) evolve to be more harmful (or less harmful) to its host?

Assignment:paper Subject:+94 Study Level:Specialized Page Count:8 Number of sources:5 Spacing:double Deadline:h10 Topic:Under what conditions will a parasite (or pathogen) evolve to be more harmful (or less harmful) to its host? Discuss both theory and evidence Citation:APA English:US Order Number:2129 Details:Under what conditions will a parasite (or pathogen) evolve to be more harmful (or less harmful) […]

Vitamin D

Assignment:paper Subject:+38 Study Level:Specialized Page Count:10 Number of sources:7 Spacing:double Deadline:20hrs Topic:vitamin D Citation:APA English:US Order Number:9217 Details:1.Introduction (history of vitamin D)one page 2.Vitamin D sources and functions: 2.1 the sources for vitamin D 2.2 the function for vitamin d 3.Vitamin D Deficiency: 3.1 rickets. 3.2 Osteoporosis. 4.Conclusion (one page) basic vocabulary please do not […]


Title: Thymus Order number: lista007 Format: APA Sources: 10 Pages: 7 Double Spaced Words: 1925 words Date: Jan 20th,01.00 PM     details: you have been assigned the following “organ” above your name as your research topic. THYMUS follow the attached rubric

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