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Theories of Modern Democracies

Select one of these three philosophers (Rousseau, Locke, Hobbes) and write a 1 page paper in which you analyze the significant ways in which their ideas differ from those at work in modern democracies. What could we gain from following their ideas more closely, and what might be dangerous if we did so? Second topic […]

Taxes in America

Do you believe progressive taxes, regressive taxes, or flat taxes (or a combination of all three) are most “fair.” Explain you answer

Current event paper in politics of the American Government

You are to write a current event paper, approximately 750 words in length, consisting of a summary and analysis of a current event having to do with American government and/or politics. You must cite a minimum of five references (sources) in the paper and include a works cited page at the end of the assignment […]

War Theory

If nations can justify war, can non-state actors? Using Just War Theory, give a justification for and against the use of terrorism through the lens of Hezbollah.Is terrorism simply “the poor man’s” use of force?

Global Politics

(5a) A major source of North-South conflict occurs over the issue of how to govern international financial agencies such as the IMF and World Bank. The North, with most of the money in these institutions, has most of the con­trol. As a result, the South, with little decision-making power, often sees these groups as a […]

History of the US Supreme Court

The paper, 10pgs, should talk about the history of the US Supreme Court and the importance of the Supreme Court. 3 of the references need to be peer review articles.

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