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Machiavelli’s philosophy of Realpolitik

Answer one of the following questions in a 4-5 page (typed, double-spaced, one-inch margins) essay. Be sure to identify which question you are answering, and be sure to use specific evidence (including quotations) from information we have covered to date (up to but NOT including this week; i.e., this exam does not cover the 18th […]

Western Civilization

Western Civilization Select a chapter from Part I of Notes from Underground and discuss it with an eye to the narrator’s identity crisis. How is it a specifically 19th-century crisis? How does it reflect the thinking of Darwin and Marx? Be sure to support your points with quotations from the text.

Ethics and Global Climate Change

To complete your seventh and final essay , please write a three- to five-page (900- 1,500 words) response to the following question: In “Ethics and Global Climate Change” (pp. 362-386), Stephen Gardiner argues that the richer nations should pay most of the costs for addressing global warming. What are Gardiner’s strongest reasons for believing this? […]

financial institutions and financial markets in our economy

Any Takers 1   Create a 1,050-word report, and include the following:   Describe the role of the financial institutions and financial markets in our economy Differentiate between primary and secondary markets. Differentiate between money and capital markets.

Public Administration ‒ The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

The purpose of the assignments is to introduce students to the field of public administration and nonprofit organizations by identifying and analyzing the challenges a public administrator faces in a dynamic organizational and politicial environment. Each assignment builds upon the previous assignment allowing the student to gradually develop an understanding of how public administration and […]

What is Responsible citizenship?

What is the duty of a citizen? When something, morally questionable or even morally wrong, is sanctioned and even actively supported by the government, where does the duty of the citizen lie? Does the citizen oppose the government outright and thereby jeopardize his livelihood and his family’s welfare, or does the good citizen obey the […]

Euthyphro Plato

In the Euthyphro, Socrates and Euthyphro discuss the concept of piety/holiness. This essay will not only test your ability to recognize and engage philosophical concepts and analysis, but also brings you into the dialogue as a participant, asking you to create your own definition of holiness. Read the Euthyphro, and write a paper in which […]

Presidential Elections

Despite commonly held beliefs about the popularity of presidents, presidents are elected by the Electoral College. This uniquely American institution consists of representatives of each state who cast the final ballots that actually elect the president. The total number of electors for each state is equal to the number of senators and representatives from that […]

Philosophy of Life

Describe your own philosophy of life, including your thoughts about metaphysics (What is reality?), epistemology (How do we know anything?), and ethics (What is the good life?). In the course of your essay, deal with the following issues: (1) Does life have meaning or is it absurd? If it has meaning, what gives it meaning? […]

Immigration in the united states

Assignment:essay Subject:114 Study Level:College Page Count:1 Number of sources:0 Spacing:double Deadline:h4 Topic:immigration in the united states Citation:APA English:US Order Number:5860 Details:Make it simple

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