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Existence of the death penalty

It is going to be a paper of the argument overview. Please develop an overview paper on this argument about whether the existence of Death Penalty should be a good solution toward the crime or not. You need to read and cite about 4 to 5 sources for the overview. Just list them at the […]

Ethics and Law

Assignment 2: Final Project Reexamine the three topics you picked last week and summarized. Now, break out each case into a list of ethical and legal considerations that might help to analyze each case—summarize the considerations in two paragraphs for each case. For each case, also ask one legal and one ethical question that might […]

Three Branches of Federal Government

The Framers of the Constitution, to ensure that no single person or entity had a monopoly on power, instituted a system of checks and balances. Thus, the United States has three branches of government: the executive, the legislative and the judicial. Each of these branches has a distinct and essential role in the function of […]

Evolution of Laws

MMA was signed by President Bush in 2003. The MMA brought about sweeping changes that increased enrollment and improved access to Medicare Plans. Similarly, the PPACA was signed into law by President Obama in 2010. The law is expected to significantly increase access to Medicaid for the uninsured, low-income families, and individuals. Medicaid managed care […]

Executive Orders

1. Create an elevator response (30 second speech) illustrating either your support or your non-support of President George W. Bush’s executive order #1344, Interpretation of the Geneva Convention Common Article 3, as Applied to a Program of Detention and Interrogation Operated by the CIA. Justify your response.   2. Argue the effectiveness of President Bill […]

Measuring and Comparing Crime

Discuss two (2) sources of data upon which your personal knowledge of transnational crime is based, such as personal experience, conversations with others, academic courses or books, newspapers or TV news, movies and TV shows, or Internet materials. Debate the degree to which you can trust each source to provide accurate, unbiased data. Support your […]

History of the Miranda warnings

Assignment:paper Subject:+54 Study Level:College Page Count:10 Number of sources:5 Spacing:double Deadline:h18 Topic:History of the Miranda warnings Citation:APA English:US Order Number:9422 Details:The professor wants us to go into detail about the Miranda Warnings. How the interrogation process was before these warnings were established and how the interrogation process is now.

Duty to warn: Miranda Rights

Assignment:essay Subject:103 Study Level:Bachelor Page Count:3 Number of sources:0 Spacing:double Deadline:h20 Topic:Duty to warn Citation:APA English:US Order Number:7355 Details:After reviewing 42 CFR and reading The Tarasoff Case, make an argument for or against having a duty to warn  law. This paper should be 3-4 pages long, written in APA format including a title page. Please […]

Is the international criminal court biased?

Assignment:paper Subject:115 Study Level:College Page Count:4 Number of sources:4 Spacing:double Deadline:h20 Topic:is the international criminal court biased? Citation:APA English:US Order Number:3707 Details:my professor did not give clear directions as to what he is looking for so please just answer the topic question. draw focus on the region of africa and a particular african state to […]

Sentencing Paper

Assignment:essay Subject:+60 Study Level:Specialized Page Count:4 Number of sources:3 Spacing:double Deadline:h20 Topic:Sentencing Paper Citation:APA English:US Order Number:2540 Details:Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that analyzes the principal objectives of punishment within the U.S. corrections system. Answer the following questions in your paper: •What are the state and federal objectives of punishment? •How does sentencing affect […]

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