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role of the law enforcement investigator

Discuss the role of the law enforcement investigator as a witness. Within your discussion, include the ways to prepare for the witness stand and how law enforcement can present themselves on the stand.

Criminal Courts

03/14/2016 Criminal Courts USE WASHINGTON STATE FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT!   Assignment 1: LASA 2: Your State v. Mark Mark Davis has been charged with Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) for reckless driving, speeding, four counts of felony assault, and one count of involuntary manslaughter as the result of a crash that occurred on a night out with […]

juvenile delinquency

Justice Prepare a written analytical report (3-4 pages APA Format) on a juvenile delinquency treatment program in your community or any community of your choice. You were asked by the government to assess the juvenile delinquency program you selected in order to reform the existing program and perhaps add a few new ones. The government wants […]

Obtaining Services Within Your Community

The purpose of the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 (DD Act) as described in the current law, is to “assure that individuals with developmental disabilities and their families participate in the design of and have access to needed community services, individualized supports, and other forms of assistance that promote self-determination, […]

Juvenile Probation Agreement

Juvenile Probation Agreement Jimmy Richardson is a 15-year-old Centervale high school freshman with no past criminal history. He currently works part-time at a local retail establishment. The local police believe Richardson is involved with a local gang. They also suspect him of having used drugs in school. Richardson and a friend are caught stealing $150 […]

Operation of the Supreme Court as part of the Judicial Branch of the government.

Select a recent Supreme Court case from “Recent Decisions” on the Supreme Court website, and explain why the Supreme Court accepted it for adjudication (not what the case is about). To assist in this assignment, please view the PowerPoint Presentation on the Supreme Court Process. Post by 11:55 pm Eastern time on Friday. Include citations and […]

USA Patriot act

USA Patriot act Write a 1400-1700 word paper on sneak and peak warrants and the FISA courts.   Include:   The Constitutionally of these items How they function How they affect law enforcement   Provide at least five scholarly references   Less than 10% plagiarism   Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Alternative to Incarceration

Now that you are familiar with different community corrections programs and agencies, use the library to find a scholarly article that discusses the recidivism rate statistics from your selected program. Determine which programs are most effective and which are not effective, or are lacking. This should be based on reoffending rates only. In addition, make […]

Law Enforcement

“Law Enforcement”  Please respond to the following: Identify the key factors that make policing and adjudicating transnational crime so difficult. Suggest one (1) strategy that a policing organization could utilize to address at least one (1) of these factors. Provide a rationale for your response. From the e-Activity, imagine you are the police chief being questioned […]

Criminal Law Foundations Evaluation

Write a 1,500- to 1,950-word paper identifying and evaluating the constitutional safeguards provided by the 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendments to the United States Constitution as they apply to both adult and juvenile court proceedings. Discuss the impact that these safeguards (e.g., Right to Counsel, Miranda Warnings, speedy trial, the exclusionary rule, etc.) have on […]

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