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Management 520 Legal, Political and Ethical Dimensions of Business

How would Pollard’s case be impacted if her replacement had been a female? Would her case be different? Would her damages be different? Explain your answer. Q2 The CEO asks you to review the sexual harassment policy currently in place that Virginia signed. He wants you to provide him with suggestions for changes to it. […]

Suggestion system

The suggestion system has been a major element in any employer plan to encourage greater employee involvement. Explain the factors that failed many systems.

Evaluation method

Describe an evaluation method, explain your decision for choosing it, and use specific examples to support your answer.

Organizational behavior

A hot topic in organizations is the development and use of teams within the organization, particularly self-managed work teams. A reason frequently cited for support of these self-managed teams is that they reduce the number of managers required by an organization. Using the CSU Online Library, research the topic of teams, including compensation programs for […]


What overall hr strategy do you think MITRE is pursuing? Is its recruiting focus broad or targeted? does it primarily use internal or external sources?

Performance management

What should be done with the performance management system. HRb Case : performance management at vitality health case study

External recruitment

List and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of off-shoring jobs.

Labor relations

Are quality-of-work-life programs good or just a passing fad? Discuss.

Eligibility rules

Create a table comparing and contrasting the eligibility rules of two different agencies that offer the same type of program. Select one government agency and either a private or faith-based agency that offers a program for the homeless. Do not select the same agency you chose to analyze throughout the course. Write a brief summary […]

HR function

Describe the priorities for designing an HR function in your industry of study. This is the baseline for any company in your industry doing business anywhere in the world. Consider each of the major functions you have studied: For each area listed above, develop an objective, and include a supporting rationale, which will be your […]

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