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Aggregate planning for DAT inc

DAT, Inc., needs to develop an aggregate plan for its product line. Relevant data are : Production time – 1 hour per unit Beginning inventory – 500 units Average labor cost – $10 per hour Safety stock – one-half month workweek – 5 days, 8 hours each day shortage cost – $20 per unit per […]

Forms of business

forms of business ch1 1. What are the three forms of business organization and their advantages and disadvantages and if you were to form your own business which organizational form would you choose and why?   uses of accounting info   2. Describe the way manager’s use accounting information to create value in organizations.  How […]

The Time Value of Money and Fixed-Income Securities

Module 3 DQ 1   The recent Great Recession of 2008-2009 has had significant impact on a wide range of corporate performance. What impact would you predict it had on leverage?  Would financial leverage have increased, decreased, or remained the same? What about operating leverage? Why?   Module 3 DQ 2   What do you […]

Investment Performance and Decisions

From the e-Activity, predict the performance of the DOW for the next two years. Provide support for your prediction. Analyze the factors that influence investment decisions at different stages in an investor’s life cycle, and make a recommendation at which stage the average investor should consider financial investments. Provide support for your recommendation.

shares and financial management

You decide to sell short 100 shares of Charlotte Horse Farms when it is selling at its yearly high of $56. Your broker tells you that your margin requirement is 45 percent and that the commission on the purchase is $155. While you are short the stock, Charlotte pays a $2.50 per share dividend. At […]

Role of Ethics in managerial accounting

Suggest one (1) key way in which the role of ethics in managerial accounting differs from the role of ethics in financial accounting. Indicate the role that you believe is the most significant within a health care organization. Provide support for your rationale. Create an argument that explains why financial managers should be concerned with […]

Finance and Budgeting for the Public Sector – Apple Inc.

In the Final Project for this course, due by Day 7 of Week 10, you have the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of, and apply and critically evaluate, the major concepts presented in this course.   For the Final Project, you will select a public organization (federal, state, or local) or non-profit organization with which […]

Budgetary Priorities

The president and the Congress identify budgetary priorities by the level of funding appropriated to address those public policy problems.  In a two- to three- page paper (not including title and references pages), identify and analyze a specific public policy problem that has not received sufficient funding from Washington or from your state. Consider an […]

The Statement of Cash Flows

Some might argue that the statement of cash flows is an optional financial statement and does not provide critical information needed for a firm or investor to succeed.  Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? There are two methods for constructing the statement of cash flows: the direct method and the indirect […]

Understanding Risk Tolerance Levels

BUYU Manufacturing has been contracted to provide SAEL Electronics with printed circuit and motherboards (PC) boards under the following terms: 100,000 PC boards will be delivered to SAEL in one month. In 3 months, SAEL has an option to take the delivery of an additional 100,000 boards by giving BUYU a 30-day notice. SAEL will pay $5 for […]

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