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State Terrorism in Latin America

As the text indicates, several Latin American countries have experienced state terrorism within the context of governmental rule. For your initial post, craft a response that address the following questions: a.Which Latin American countries have experienced this form of violence? b.Why have these forms of government been viewed as “acceptable” by many in the region? […]

Combating Future Terrorism

Since the attacks on September 11, 2001, the future complexity of terrorism has become quite ambiguous. Subsequently, counter-terrorism strategies have evolved to address terrorist attacks of any form against the United States. For your Final Paper, you must address the following points: a.Decide whether international or domestic terrorism currently constitutes the greatest threat to the […]

Deviant Peer Groups

After reading the Akers [PDF file size 685 KB], et al. (1979) article and watching the “Poverty” film, do you believe that peer groups are a risk factor for drug use or do you take the side of critics who claim that drug users seek other drug users for companionship?  In other words do you think peers cause drug use or […]

Drugs and Domestic Violence

This project gives you the opportunity to explore the current literature for the latest research findings and evidence-based strategies in the area of drugs and crime and the criminal justice system. You will select the specific topic within this area based on your own particular interest (your major, career goals, your own community issues, etc.). […]

Locke on the Relationship Between Government and Religion

Please construct an extended academic discussion of the following questions. Please ensure that your discussion makes excellent use of textual evidence from our excerpt from Locke’s Letter Concerning Toleration. •What, according to Locke, is the proper relationship between religion and government? What are Locke’s strongest reasons for defending that relationship? •As you assess Locke’s argument […]

Human Rights.

Our class’s final essay assignment requires you to reflect on the contemporary relevance of ancient codes, documents, and artifacts that contributed to the evolution of our modern conception of human rights. Your essay should answer these questions: 1.What, according to H. Gene Blocker, are the most important historical sources for our contemporary conception of human […]

Role of Ethics in managerial accounting

Suggest one (1) key way in which the role of ethics in managerial accounting differs from the role of ethics in financial accounting. Indicate the role that you believe is the most significant within a health care organization. Provide support for your rationale. Create an argument that explains why financial managers should be concerned with […]

General Philosophy

Please illustrate with specific examples drawn from readings or other coursework. •”Philosophy may be an interesting academic pursuit, but it has no relevance to my own life and so is of no value to me.” Do you agree with this criticism? If so, why? If not, why not?


1. Discuss the basic elements of a professional code of ethics. Compare these elements to the code of ethics for your employer or current profession. What elements would you add, and why? (If you do not currently have an employer, research a code for the profession or employer you wish to have. If your current […]

Herbal Remedies argumentative essay

translate into symbols and construct a truth table: either the herbal remedy alleviated the symptoms, or the placebo effect alleviated the symptoms. if the placebo effect is responsible for easing the symptoms, then the herbal remedy is worthless. the herbal remedy alleviated the symptoms. so the herbal remedy is not worthless.

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