Assignment:essay Subject: Technology Study Level:Bachelor Page Count:5 Number of sources: 3 Spacing:double Deadline:Feb 8, 11.30 pm Topic:Internet should be uncontrolled Citation:APA English:US Order Number:9285 Details:Internet should be uncontrolled Some argue that access to the Internet should be uncontrolled; others believe that its access should be controlled Write a discursive essay
Assignment:essay Subject: other Study Level:College Page Count:6 Number of sources:3 Spacing:double Deadline: Jan 16th, 7 pm Topic:many of today’s driver have dangerous habits Citation:MLA English:US Order Number:1114 Details: This lesson requires you to write an exemplification essay. To exemplify means, simply, to provide examples of something. So, to exemplify the claim that there are lots […]
social media ethical issues
Assignment:paper Subject: Technology Study Level:Bachelor Page Count:4 Number of sources:6 Spacing:double Deadline: Feb 4, 6 pm Topic:social media ethical issues Citation:APA English:US Order Number:18294 Details:The ethical issues that are involved with social media and advertising privacy. It is for my computer ethics class.
Individual rights vs National Security
Assignment:essay Subject: Law Study Level:College Page Count:4 Number of sources:4 Spacing:double Deadline: Sun, 9 pm Topic:Individual rights vs National Security Citation:APA English:US Order Number:9584 Details:Complete an essay, not less than 4 pages (1,000 words) in length (excluding the cover sheet, title, and bibliography pages) as follows: It can be argued that the foundation for community […]
Assignment:essay Subject:History Study Level:College Page Count:10 Number of sources:8 Spacing:double Deadline: Sun, dec 6, 4 pm Topic:torture Citation:APA English:US Order Number:3769 Details:Your final paper must be 10-12 pages total (double-spaced, standard font and margins – including bibliography). Your final papers must include your name, an appropriate and descriptive title, page numbers, a central research question, […]
Criminalistics II
You are a crime scene investigator on a homicide crime scene in which a body was located in an abandoned warehouse. This warehouse has not been in use for a long time, and there are signs of recent temporary living arrangements, making the job of searching and recovering evidence rather difficult for you and your […]