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Business law and ethics

Find a sales slip with a warranty on it, read the warranty, and then rewrite the warranty in plain English. Explain exactly what the company will pay for and will not pay for if something goes wrong.


What are 6 supportive and 6 defensive workplace terms from Communicating in the Workplace by Thomas Cheesebro


Why do some quarters object to globalization ?

Ethics, New Idea Selling, Innovation, Commitment and Change.

-Do you use Power effectively AND ethically? How about others in your organization? -Are your effective when presenting ideas formally or informally? Can you think of ways to improve this skill? Maybe observing others who are effective? -Will you now consider using the SSSAP method to structure preparing public presentations? -Do you read presentations, speak […]

Business ethics

Why Ethics in Negotiation

Explain how a business can be socially responsible and why it is important.

Explain how a business can be socially responsible and why it is important.

Company ethics

Is it ethical for a company to promise benefits and then years later walk away from the promise?

Ethical communications

What conditions do you think warrant wiretapping of, or eavesdropping on, personnel communications? What are your ethical concerns with either of these techniques? How might they affect personnel investigations?

Children and youth with emotional disorders

Assignment:research paper Subject:Education Study Level:College Page Count:12 Number of sources:12 Spacing:double Deadline: sun, April 3, 11 pm Topic:Children and youth with emotional disorders Citation:APA English:US Order Number:2626 Details:For children and youth with emotional disorders give specific instructional interventions and modification to their learning environment, including strategies for management of the teaching and learning in the […]

Fundamentals of occupational health and safety

Title: Unit VII Case Study Paper type Essay Deadline 0 Days, 15 Hrs, 35 Min ) (2: 15 a.m 24/03/2016) Paper format APA Course level College Subject Area Case Study # pages 5 ( or 1375 words Minimum) Spacing Double Spacing # sources 4 Paper Details Unit VII Case Study Safety Plan Consider the following […]

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