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Challenge of the week: Talk with a friend/family member who has known you for a long time and will be honest with you. Have them answer the following questions: What were your first impressions of me or what type of first impression do others have of me? What does my face look like when I […]

health policy

As part of your advocacy efforts, you might to decide to develop a marketing plan. These can take many forms but often draw on the techniques of advertising. For your final Application you will develop a marketing plan. You may develop this for the public health issue you described in this week’s Discussion, or you […]

HCM530 Case Study 3 Age and Gender Adjustment in Two Managed Care Organizations

You are to write a 2-3 page paper, in APA formatting, which addresses the case questions. Your answer must be supplemented with research from your book, CDC, NIH, and other quality sources to determine answers and solutions. Note: A minimum of two references should be used that support your responses in your paper. This is […]

health policy

As you have learned this week, one of the major factors in the successful operation of any public health organization is whether appropriate people have been hired for the roles. In this Application, you will develop strategies that will help you in the very important process of identifying the right skills set needed for a […]

HSA 515 WK 4 Assignment 1 – Legal Aspects of U.S. Health Care System Administration

Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: 1. Articulate your position as the top administrator concerned about the importance of professional conduct within the health care setting. Justify your position. 2. Ascertain the major ramifications of having professional staff compromise the boundaries of ethics and medical conduct. 3. Analyze the four […]

Organization and Management of a Health Care Facility

Your duties at 21st Century Solutions Health Care Hospital require you to interface with many different professionals, including physicians, nurses, and allied professionals in various areas of health care. The facility also has a new information technology management center, which handles all professional staffing solutions within the hospital. As part of the management protocols, the […]

Health Care Organizations: Universal Health Services

Select a publically traded health care organizations: Universal Health Services (NYSE: UHS) Suppose you are a newly appointed CFO of your chosen health care organization. One of your first tasks is to conduct an internal financial analysis of the organization. Conduct a brief financial analysis and review of the chosen company’s financial statements for at […]

Assignment 3: Long-Term Investment Decisions

Due Week 9 and worth 300 pointsAssume that the low-calorie frozen, microwavable food company from Assignments 1 and 2 wants toexpand and has to make some long-term capital budgeting decisions. The company is currently facingincreases in the costs of major ingredients.Use the Internet and Strayer databases to research government policies and regulation.Write a six to […]

Assignment 2: Operations Decision

Due Week 6 and worth 300 pointsUsing the regression results and the other computations from Assignment 1, determine the marketstructure in which the low-calorie frozen, microwavable food company operates.Use the Internet to research two (2) of the leading competitors in the low-calorie frozen, microwavablefood industry, and take note of their pricing strategies, profitability, and their […]

Assignment 1: Demand Estimation

Due Week 3 and worth 200 pointsImagine that you work for the maker of a leading brand of low-calorie, frozen microwavable food thatestimates the following demand equation for its product using data from 26 supermarkets around thecountry for the month of April.For a refresher on independent and dependent variables, please go to Sophia’s Website and […]

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