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LASA 2—Causes of Crime

Begin this assignment by selecting one type of criminal behavior that you have learned about in this course. (Terrorism) pick Thoroughly analyze the possible psychological causes of the crime. Include at least four sources of literature, including at least one peer-reviewed journal article as well as lecture notes and text to support your position. Research […]

LASA 1—Case Study of a Criminal Offender

In this assignment, you will develop a case study for a well-known criminal offender. Begin by selecting one criminal offender from the following high-profile individuals: Susan Smith pick Jeffrey Dahmer Aileen Wournos Kip Kinkel Bernie Madoff Charles Manson Research your selected case and complete the following: Describe the charges against the individual. Discuss the biological, […]

Antitrust and Regulation Problem Set

Problem 1 What are the two main U.S antitrust laws? What are the three main types of antitrust violations, as identified in those laws? Which U.S Federal agencies bear the responsibility for enforcing the antitrust laws? Do the statues or do antitrust cases themselves determine the effective content of the antitrust laws- and why? Problem […]

analyzing the competitive advantage that your information system provides to users of the system (or to the company who created and maintains the system) and on proposing your own recommendations for improving and enhancing the information system with additional features and functionality.

In this essay, you will provide an overview of the server-side and client-side hardware and software requirements of your information system. You will then focus the bulk of your essay on analyzing the competitive advantage that your information system provides to users of the system (or to the company who created and maintains the system) […]

Lifespan Developmental Psychology

This examination will be available for you to take beginning at 12:00 AM EST on Monday morning of Module 4 and will close promptly the following Sunday evening at 11:55 PM EST. It is suggested you write or print out the essay questions for handy reference as you develop your responses. Be sure to submit […]

Project Management Case

Assignment 1: Discussion Question Important note: Discussion questions in this course use a case study that is found in Doc Sharing area in the file named “Project Management Case.docx.” It is strongly recommended that you read this case study before attempting an assignment. Also, it is mandatory that you to attempt all assignment questions in […]

Assume that you have received a capital expenditure request for $52,000 for plant equipment and that you are required to do a justification analysis using capital budgeting techniques. …

Assume that you have received a capital expenditure request for $52,000 for plant equipment and that you are required to do a justification analysis using capital budgeting techniques. The company’s cost of capital is 12% and the equipment (investment) is expected to generate net cash inflows of $13,000 per year for 8 years and then […]

sources of culture in an organization

One page required Identify the various sources of culture in an organization and what impact it has on it employees. Can culture be changed? Who can make cultural changes in an organization? Have at least one citation


1-What are attitudes and how do they influence behavior in organizations? 2-What are the common perceptual distortions? 3- How does goal-setting influence motivation? in other word document MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION SYSTEM 1-Compare and contrast the two major types of networks 2-Describe the four categories of ethical issues related to information technology 3-Explain the six problems […]

comparing and contrasting a preschool classroom

Assignment Directions: This Assignment has two parts. The first is comparing and contrasting a preschool classroom and a classroom for children five years old and more and sharing developmentally appropriate practices. The second is identifying your educational philosophy and how it aligns with best practices in early childhood theory. Your Assignment should be 3–4 pages, […]

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