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Unit II Reflection Paper

Being new to a place is challenging. The list below includes some provocative discussions related to the events in this unit’s reading and related to being new to the United States. For this assignment, you will write two reflections on Parts 1 and 2 below. The total length of your journal assignment must be a […]

PHI101 M5A2 Discussion – The Place of Reason

Assignment 2: Discussion Question – The Place of Reason Kant sees reason as the only basis for any universal ethics. This gives little room for human emotions such as sympathy, empathy, happiness, etc. It also means that Kant does not count results or consequences as being ethically relevant. Please address the following: What are the […]

AC1420: Week 5 Financial Statement Analysis

In this exercise, you will discuss the impact of cash payment against the accounts payable on the current ratio of a company. In addition, you will perform a vertical analysis against the entries listed on the financial statement. Task 1: A company has a current ratio of two. The CFO decides to pay off a […]

Assignment 1: LASA 2 – Ethical Systems and Me

What a busy five weeks we have had! We have learned to use moral reasoning and examined many ethical theories in this course. These include virtue ethics, utilitarianism, social contract, deontology with goals (Hinduism and Buddhism), deontology with divine authority (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), relativism (individual and cultural), and deontology with a categorical imperative (Kant). […]

Module 14 – Lean Operations and Scheduling

Operations Management Module 14: Lean Operations and Scheduling Module Introduction Readings Required Chapter 14 & Supplement to Chapter 14 in Operations Management Chapter 14 PowerPoint (media/IPPTChap014.pptx) slides – Operations Management Supplement to Chapter 14 PowerPoint (media/IPPTChap014S.pptx) slides – Operations Management Kadasah, N. A., & Al­Ahmari, T. M. (2013). An analysis of benchmarking of business functions […]

Many large companies invest in other companies. Do some research on the internet about a company that is a large conglomerate (owns many different types of companies).

Many large companies invest in other companies. Do some research on the internet about a company that is a large conglomerate (owns many different types of companies). Share what you find with your classmates and discuss why the parent company bought the others – are they in a similar industry (all fast food restaurants for […]

Health care facilities treat many types of patients

write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Health care facilities treat many types of patients. For hospitals, patients are called inpatients and stay overnight. For outpatient facilities, such as a clinic or ambulatory center, patients will arrive for an appointment, treatment, test, or procedure and then return […]

FINANCE 570 – The United States Congress established three key objectives for monetary policy in the Federal Reserve Act: maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates.

The United States Congress established three key objectives for monetary policy in the Federal Reserve Act: maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates. The Federal Reserve is responsible for developing the appropriate strategy and implementing specific actions to meet these goals. In this assignment, write a paper in response to the following questions: […]

Explain why asexually reproducing organisms are generally found in environments that do not change very much through time, while sexually reproducing organisms are very successful in environments that change dramatically through time

  Explain why asexually reproducing organisms are generally found in environments that do not change very much through time, while sexually reproducing organisms are very successful in environments that change dramatically through time. Animal Behavior: How does an animal’s behavior aid survival and reproduction? Provide an example to illustrate your comments. In your response, be […]

Consumer Insurance, Inc. sells extended warranties on appliances that provide coverage after the manufacturers’ warranties expire.

Consumer Insurance, Inc. sells extended warranties on appliances that provide coverage after the manufacturers’ warranties expire. An analyst for the company forecasts that the company will have to pay warranty claims of $5 million per year for three years, with the first costs expected to occur four years from today. The company wants to set […]

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