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human rights peace and development

Throughout this unit students will be faced with issues of inequality and human rights, many of which will lead them to reflect upon aspects of their own lives, attitudes, beliefs, thoughts, morals and behaviours ­ some of which may be experienced as quite “confronting”. Through this assignment, it is intended for students to learn to […]

Narrow Banking

In the aftermath of the financial crisis the legal separation of the trading operations of large universal banking groups was proposed. One option is the separation of retail banking through the concept known as “Narrow Banking” that has been suggested by a number of economists and commentators as a solution to the risk taking in […]

Critical Thinking: Income Statements and Profitability Ratios

Critical Thinking: Income Statements and Profitability Ratios (60 Points) In this module, you were introduced to the income statement and profitability ratios. In this assignment, you will use this information to create an income statement and then analyze it for profitability. Selected accounts for Jackson, Inc. are listed below along with their balances before closing the […]

Final Project Essay on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Instructions For this final project, do the following: 1.Read the following scenario: In 2009, a magnitude 8.0 earthquake near American Samoa triggered tsunami waves measuring up to 46 feet that resulted in widespread destruction and 22 deaths. The earthquake and tsunami destroyed much of the island infrastructure. Many villages on the south shores were destroyed […]

“Would you rather live in a house or an apartment? Why?

Compare and contast essay on topic “Would you rather live in a house or an apartmeent? Why? ” 5 paragraphs including : introduction(with hook,details and thesis statement) 3 main ideas conclusion each paragraph 5-7 sentences.

Designing Interventions

Your employer has been going through many challenges this past eighteen months due to the recent financial crises. There has been major challenges throughout the company including, high turnover, software applications being used are outdated, stress is increasing for those employees who have been staying around, and morale is at the lowest point ever for […]

To make sure you are up to date on the special guidelines the GASB has declared, your manager asked you to research GASB Statement No. 56. He also asked you to show him, side by side, how government accounting journal entries might differ from for-profit journal entries in these similar events

To make sure you are up to date on the special guidelines the GASB has declared, your manager asked you to research GASB Statement No. 56. He also asked you to show him, side by side, how government accounting journal entries might differ from for-profit journal entries in these similar events. Write 500–750 words that […]

create the pro forma balance sheet

1. See attached file Calculate external funds needed (EFN) to create the pro forma balance sheet. Calculate the following year-end ratios for the pro forma statements: Profit as a percentage of sales Current ratio Asset ratio Create pro forma statements.     2. Determine the proposal’s appropriateness and economic viability. For the scenario, assume spending […]

interview at least three employers

should make up 5 – 10 questions that you can really use when you interview at least three employers.  All employers should be asked the same questions and you will include their responses in your PFP( Personal, Family, Professional viewpoint). These questions should be employer directed and have no personal pronouns (my, me or I).The […]

Criminal Law Importance

Question B What are the reasons a legislative body might designate specific conduct as criminal? What are the reasons a legislative body might not designate specific conduct as criminal? Discuss the relative importance of each of these reasons. Question C Why is criminal law important in our society? What are some issues you think present […]

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