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Cultural Activity Report

As a way of experiencing the Humanities beyond your classroom, computer, and textbook, you are asked to do a certain type of “cultural activity” that fits well with our course and then report on your experience.   Your instructor will require you to propose an activity and get instructor approval before you do it and […]

Urban Studies

Answer TWO of the following questions.  Each answer should be a minimum of three double-spaced pages (12 point font, one inch margins).  Your answers should reflect information from the class lectures, readings, videos, and class discussions.  You do not have to conduct outside research.  Use APA for citations.       1) Review and critically discuss the problem of population growth.  Who would […]


Assignment:coursework Subject:Environmental Issues Study Level:College Page Count:1 Number of sources:1 Spacing: single Deadline: Tue, 9 am Topic:Ergonomics Citation:APA English:US Order Number:7514 Details:Question 11 â—¦ Discuss the methods of controlling thermal conditions. Include engineering controls, administrative controls, and work practices. 200 words â—¦ Question 12 â—¦ Imagine that you worked for a door manufacturing company, and […]

Is keeping animals in zoos justifiable?

Is keeping animals in zoos justifiable? write a 6pg document answering this question. use apa guidelines. 5 sources

Hazardous Materials Case Study

Hazardous Materials Case Study I have to write a three page response to a scenario about an incident in a refinery dealing with multiple chemicals

Peaceful Evacuation

A Peaceful Evacuation: Building a Multi-Project Battalion by Leading Upward Due Week 3 and worth 240 points   Read the weekly assigned chapters and view the lectures before beginning the assignment.   Read the case study titled “A Peaceful Evacuation: Building a Multi-Project Battalion by Leading Upward.” before starting this assignment.   Write a three […]

Environmental Act

Choose 1 U.S. environmental law. State the name of the law and the date the law was passed. Summarize the major provisions of the law that you chose. Describe the economic impact of the law. Provide specific economic data from credible references. Has the law improved the environment or situation? Provide specific data from credible […]

Natural Gas

Today, more than any other time in history, there is growing support to move away from nonrenewable resources towards developing renewable resources to meet current and future energy needs. Fossil fuels are nonrenewable resources that continue to negatively impact the environment. It is important to learn how these resources are formed since this process of […]

Environmental health

Environmental justice is a concept regarding as an equal distribution of environmental hazards and adverse healthy facts  from these hazards . Environmental justice works to ensure that all people are active participant in developing , preventing and enforcing by environmental laws .This is an important concept as we think about disparities in local environmental health […]

Hurricane Katrina

In this paper, describe Hurricane Katrina, its strength by the “Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale,” and the extent of its damage, and the losses to the cities involved. What are some suggestions to prevent a repeat of the tragedy of New Orleans and other coastal cities in the wake of this event? Page Requirements: 2- 3 pages […]

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