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Western Civilization

Western Civilization Select a chapter from Part I of Notes from Underground and discuss it with an eye to the narrator’s identity crisis. How is it a specifically 19th-century crisis? How does it reflect the thinking of Darwin and Marx? Be sure to support your points with quotations from the text.

Analytical Summaries

Analytical Summaries For this assignment, compose two short critical essays explaining and evaluating arguments by other authors. This assignment allows you to analyze an issue from a variety of perspectives and assess arguments for or against the issue. By focusing your attention on how the original authors use evidence and reasoning to construct and support […]

Western Civilization

Western Civilization Pick any chapter from Candide and analyze it as an example of satire. What/who is Voltaire satirizing (there are bound to be multiple answers), and how is he employing the tools of satire (irony, caricature, hyperbole, parody, absurdity, etc.)?

The Prisoner’s Dilemma; What is in My Best Interest?

Assignment 2: The Prisoner’s Dilemma; What is in My Best Interest? We learned that according to Aristotle and Bentham, one’s happiness was the highest goal. Enter social contract. How does one ensure one’s self-interest when one has to compromise with another to achieve the goal? David Gauthier proposes that it is possible, offering the Prisoner’s […]

Letters from Birmingham

Assignment 2: LASA 1 – Letters from Birmingham Martin Luther King, Jr. was many things, a civil rights activist, nonviolent protestor, organizer, teacher, son, husband, father, and a black man. Many forget that he was first, a Christian Southern Baptist minister and preacher. His religious faith informed his ethical actions. After reading selections from Martin […]

Latina domestic work

Latina domestic work Collect representations from the media and Internet about Latina domestic workers. Describe and analyze the images (which are often glamorous and sexualized) and contrast them with the reality of dead-end, exploitative conditions in this occupation. Post this in the appropriate discussion board making sure to include links to internet sources and descriptions […]

Animal farm

Animal farm The animal farm is an allegorical novella by George Orwell which talks about circumstances surrounding the Russian Revolution in 1917. The novel further on reflects on the Soviet Union’s Stalinist Era. In his novel, a democratic coalition of animals overthrows a human oppressor by the name Mr. Jones. The old boar who resides […]

Into the woods

Into the woods Analyzing the film play \”Into the woods\” (1991)

Philosophical Viewpoints on Social Welfare Policies

Philosophical Viewpoints on Social Welfare Policies In this assignment, examine the ideological struggles that underlie policy making in the United States. This includes the following: •The historical legacy of fear of a strong central government and how this fear has influenced the development of the US Constitution. •The ideological divisions in the United States’ politics […]

Thesis Statement

Part of 110852 order, please check this before working on this assignment for reference for the topic to write. For the course project, you will write a five-paragraph essay on your chosen topic presenting an informed, cohesive position. Your first task is to write a thesis statement. The thesis statement is the guiding light of […]

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