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Terrorism in Israel

The state of Israel has been engaged with Islamic terrorists since its inception and recognition as a country. However, even prior to the establishment of Israel, Jewish and Arab fighters engaged in acts of violence in British-occupied Palestine. For your initial post, address the following: a.Prior to Israeli independence, against whom did Jewish fighters commit […]

China’s policies toward the foreign exchange market

The United States and the European Union have been pressing China’s government to alter its exchange rate policy to allow more flexibility, presumably so that the yuan will appreciate by a substantial amount.  What has been and are China’s policies toward the foreign exchange market?  From the point of view of China’s government and the […]


Discussion Paper Based on all six chapters of the supplementary reading on Urban Growth  posted in’ Course Documents’,  write a  paper (no more than eight pages in length, double- spaced) in which you discuss the following issues:   1.Recent trends in urban growth, including regional differences in  urban growth rates 2.The future of urban growth, […]

Population and Individual Health Measures and Healthcare Costs in the United States

• From the first e-Activity, determine the most commonly used population and individual measures used in providing healthcare today. Examine the primary impact that these measures exert on the choices that consumers make in order to address their own healthcare needs. Justify your response. • From the second e-Activity, compare the magnitude of healthcare costs […]

Juvenile Justice

Within juvenile justice, the prosecutors have broad discretionary powers pertaining to which cases are brought before a court for formal adjudication. This prosecutorial discretion has been the source of much debate. Some scholars and media personnel maintain that prosecutors weigh far too many external variables extraneous to the specifics of a case in the decision […]


Question Question 1 of 20                                                                                             5.0/ 5.0 Points Which two conflicting trends increase in prominence in Hellenistic sculpture? Realistic and abstract Classical and anti-Classical Organic and geometric Conservative and liberal Question 2 of 20                                                                                             5.0/ 5.0 Points What device is used inside the dome of the Pantheon to lighten its weight? Coffers Columns Groin vaults […]

Revenue Streams for Public Organizations

As noted in the readings, taxes and user fees provide much of the revenue for public organizations that is necessary to fund public programs. Yet, despite these revenue streams, local, state, and federal governments consistently face budgetary shortfalls in attempting to fund public programs. What changes, if any, would you make to the way governments […]

Types of Budgeting

discuss the differences between the rational budgeting and incremental budgeting models. What advantages and disadvantages can you identify relating to both models? What improvements, if any, would you make to either model?


There are numerous examples of women succeeding in traditionally male-dominated professions. However, if success is defined as actually running a company, a corporation, or even a country, we must look at the statistics. There are 19 female CEOs running Fortune 500 companies. This sounds solid, but this actually only makes up 3.8% of the total. […]

General William T. Sherman’s rationale

Write a 1-2 page paper in APA format with sources cited from your readings that answers the following question: What was Major General William T. Sherman’s rationale behind his decision to attack the population of the Confederacy rather than seek to fight and destroy its armed forces? Do you think this strategy is always effective […]

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