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Differences between cost-reduction and profit-sharing program

Discuss the major differences between cost-reduction and profit-sharing program, including the philosophic issues underlying each type of program. Provide examples of each, Which is the most appealing to you, and why?

Business management

Luthans and Doh (2012) discuss three major techniques for responding to political risk. Should an international organization always use all three techniques? Why or why not?


What overall hr strategy do you think MITRE is pursuing? Is its recruiting focus broad or targeted? does it primarily use internal or external sources?

Performance management

What should be done with the performance management system. HRb Case : performance management at vitality health case study

External recruitment

List and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of off-shoring jobs.

Labor relations

Are quality-of-work-life programs good or just a passing fad? Discuss.

Inventory control

Explain how you would assess and control inventory related risk

Galbraith’s Star model

Using Galbraith’s Star model, write a few sentences describing strategy, structure, processes, rewards and people at the USPS. Draw on the study report as well as any other information and you can gather.

Mergers and acquisitions

Can you determine a PUBLIC US based company that does not have a history of mergers and acquisitions and operates solely within the U.S


Which component of compensation is most essential to motivate executives to lead companies toward competitive advantage?

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