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International Finance: forces of globalization and its implications for the multinational firm

Describe the forces of globalization and its implications for the multinational firm. Interpret the operation of the international financial system, its current state, and challenges for the future. Summarize different types of foreign exchange exposure faced by the MNC. Identification and measurement of these risks Explain the structure of international financial markets and institutions and […]

International Finance: Impacts of Globalization

on a 6pg discuss the impacts of Globalization in relation to international finance

Business management concepts

Post a response to the following topic. your analysis should be written in a paragraph format and should go beyond just repeating material presented in the course materials. “Essentially, all models are wrong, but some are useful. “Pick two management theories and compare and contrast them. Based on your analysis,what theory do you believe your […]

Rationale for the Selection of your Project

Rationale for the Selection of your Project (Law Enforcement) Applications of Resource Management Post a description of the deliverable you will create for this course. Clearly state your rationale for selecting this project by discussing it from an organizational, a business, and an industry perspective. Discuss the value of your project for the organization/industry. Your […]

Fair Labor Standards Act

You are the owner of a small chain of hotels, and you are concerned about the United States Department of Labor’s (DOL) new rules under the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. In order to be eligible for one of the white-collar exemptions to the overtime rules, you must pay an employee a […]

The role entrepreneurship plays in America

Entrepreneurship and Business Model” Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity, debate the role entrepreneurship plays in America. Next, determine three to five potential advantages and challenges that entrepreneurial ventures must consider. Justify your response. Choose two companies from the same industry that have been deemed successful by the standards of that industry. Analyze […]

Strategic Planning and Organizational Restructuring

Strategic Planning and Organizational Restructuring” Please respond to the following: •Assess the merits of this statement by incorporating a specific personal project, formal or informal. “Strategic planning is critical in the overall effectiveness of project management.” •Imagine you are the CEO of a growing international manufacturing organization in need of corporate restructuring. Select an organizational […]

social responsibility: main reasons for government regulation of businesses

QUESTION 1 1. Define social responsibility QUESTION 2 1. What is an advantage to a business being socially responsible QUESTION 3 1. List the three main reasons for government regulation of businesses QUESTION 4 1. What are organizational ethics. QUESTION 5 1. Identify and describe the six principles for organizations to become an employer of […]

coverage for domestic partners

Unit IV Research Paper Research 2 companies in the Fortune 500 that offer partner benefits. Compare and contrast the 2 companies as you answer the following questions:  How do the requirements for coverage for domestic partners, such as length of the relationship compare with requirements for benefits of married couples?  Do companies usually […]

Ethics and Entrepreneurship

Assume that you are a manager within a corporate environment, and you are presented with an ethical dilemma. Suggest viable approaches to resolving the dilemma. Rate your comfort level with dealing with ethical issues. Provide one (1) example that supports your approach. Suggest the most significant challenge that entrepreneurs may encounter when growing a business. […]

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