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Communication skills for leaders

communications skills for leaders [Pin It] You will create a speech that should be three to five minutes long. You must also upload a transcript (print version) of your speech and include a short 75-word reflection statement. In the reflection statement, discuss what aspects of this assignment you found helpful for your future career and […]

Creating an Ethics & Social Responsibility Plan for a beverage company

Create an Ethics & Social Responsibility Plan. Note: The Ethics & Social Responsibility plan should account for approximately three to five (3-5) pages of the Business Plan Draft. Describe the ways in which your company is committed to being a good corporate citizen. Hints: Consider the following areas: Creating jobs Following the laws of every […]

Hypothesis Test

Use the Internet or Strayer Library to research articles on hypothesis test and its application in business. Select one (1) company or organization which utilized hypothesis test technique for its business process (e.g., whether or not providing flexible work hours improve employee productivity.) Give your opinion as to whether or not the utilization of such […]

Short-Term Financial Management

Short-Term Financial Management To avoid any uncertainty regarding his business’ financing needs at the time when such needs may arise, Cyrus Brown wants to develop a cash budget for his latest venture: Cyrus Brown Manufacturing (CBM). He has estimated the following sales forecast for CBM over the next 9 months: March $100,000 April $275,000 May […]

UDL/CAST Instructional Plan Analysis

  UDL/CAST Instructional Plan Analysis This assignment provides the opportunity for you to apply the principles of universal design for learning (UDL) in the design of instruction and assessment. Recall that UDL provides access to the curriculum for students with a wide variety of abilities and background. Therefore, UDL aligns with inclusionary practices found in […]

Finals Opportunity analysis plan

Hi,  I need help with writing a Analysis Plan for my final.  Looking for 5 pages by this Friday March 11, 2016.   The business is a small plumbing and heating LLC company.  Owned by one person, ran out of his home, supports the local community.  Marketing done throught social media but lookings into other […]

Blog Entry

Write a 700- to 1,050-word blog entry on either PhoenixConnect or another blogging platform of your choice. Imagine the blog is directed to an audience of business colleagues and peers in your industry. Include the following in your blog entry: A discussion of a time where you were a victim of information overload during a business presentation […]

Usefulness of Office Suites

Assume that you did not have access to Microsoft Office or other compatible application suites. Describe at least three (3) tasks that you would not be able to perform without Microsoft Office 2013. Among the applications that we explored in this course, choose the one that you believe to be the most useful to you […]

Cash Flow Analysis: Frank Smith Plumbing

Cash Flow Analysis Analyze the case study, “Frank Smith Plumbing.” Analyze the “Frank Smith Plumbing’s Financial Statement” spreadsheet. Compare the cost of the truck to the cash flow records Compile your calculations in a Microsoft® Excel® document Develop a 1,050-word analysis and include the following: Explain why limited leverage is good for business.Show the profitability of the project so that […]

should governments step in to limit the formation of the monopoly in international markets?

Assignment:essay Subject:Education Study Level:College Page Count:2 Number of sources: Spacing:double Deadline: 12 noon.. Topic:macroeconomics Citation: APA English:US Order Number:7469 Details:Mega Corporation and BIG Enterprises are sugar producers in Brazil. The two companies decide to merge and become one new company called Mega-Big Corporation. If they complete their merger the new firm would control more than […]

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