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Global Economic Impact of Sweden PowerPoint

Global Economic Impact of Sweden PowerPoint, 10 SLIDES, APA format

business review

In 2009, ExxonMobil (XOM) acquired XTO Energy for $ 41 billion. The acquisition provided ExxonMobil an opportunity to engage in the development of shale and unconventional natural gas resources within the continental United States. This acquisition added to ExxonMobil’s existing upstream (exploration and development) activities. In addition to this business segment, ExxonMobil was also engaged […]

Strategic Management

By definition, a strategic plan is designed to be used for 3 to 5 years or more. For your individual Strategic Plan project, you write a strategic plan using the following outline. You may choose a health care organization on which you would like to focus or develop a new health care business. Choose something […]

To make sure you are up to date on the special guidelines the GASB has declared, your manager asked you to research GASB Statement No. 56. He also asked you to show him, side by side, how government accounting journal entries might differ from for-profit journal entries in these similar events. Write 500–750 words that addresses the following: When was GASB Statement No. 56 initiated? In your own words, what is the essence of the new ruling? Why did the GASB probably deem it as being necessary? How might GASB Statement No. 56 change the activities of any accountant performing governmental accounting? Create journal entries for all of the following situations. On 10/1/2010, a for-profit Company A provides $100,000 of service to Company B. Company B plans to pay their bill 90 days later. Create the journal entry when the service is provided. Create the journal entry when the cash is received. On 12/1/2010, the city's recreation department receives a government grant of $100,000 specifically to use for next year's park upgrades, which will begin on 1/1/2011. Create the journal entry made when the cash is received. Create the journal entry to be made on 1/1/2011. A for-profit retail store buys $200,000 of inventory on 9/1/2010. Create the proper journal entry to show purchase of this inventory. A local city park buys $200,000 of food merchandise for later resale. It uses the purchase method to account for inventory. Create the proper journal entry for when this purchase is made. A nonprofit organization receives a $250,000 donation on 12/1/2011, but the donor specifically wants it spent in 2012. Create the journal entry or entries to show the proper recording of revenue (this may require more than on journal entry). Create the subsequent journal entry to show spending of the funds.

To make sure you are up to date on the special guidelines the GASB has declared, your manager asked you to research GASB Statement No. 56. He also asked you to show him, side by side, how government accounting journal entries might differ from for-profit journal entries in these similar events. Write 500–750 words that […]

To make sure you are up to date on the special guidelines the GASB has declared, your manager asked you to research GASB Statement No. 56. He also asked you to show him, side by side, how government accounting journal entries might differ from for-profit journal entries in these similar events. Write 500–750 words that addresses the following: When was GASB Statement No. 56 initiated? In your own words, what is the essence of the new ruling? Why did the GASB probably deem it as being necessary? How might GASB Statement No. 56 change the activities of any accountant performing governmental accounting? Create journal entries for all of the following situations. On 10/1/2010, a for-profit Company A provides $100,000 of service to Company B. Company B plans to pay their bill 90 days later. Create the journal entry when the service is provided. Create the journal entry when the cash is received. On 12/1/2010, the city’s recreation department receives a government grant of $100,000 specifically to use for next year’s park upgrades, which will begin on 1/1/2011. Create the journal entry made when the cash is received. Create the journal entry to be made on 1/1/2011. A for-profit retail store buys $200,000 of inventory on 9/1/2010. Create the proper journal entry to show purchase of this inventory. A local city park buys $200,000 of food merchandise for later resale. It uses the purchase method to account for inventory. Create the proper journal entry for when this purchase is made. A nonprofit organization receives a $250,000 donation on 12/1/2011, but the donor specifically wants it spent in 2012. Create the journal entry or entries to show the proper recording of revenue (this may require more than on journal entry). Create the subsequent journal entry to show spending of the funds.

To make sure you are up to date on the special guidelines the GASB has declared, your manager asked you to research GASB Statement No. 56. He also asked you to show him, side by side, how government accounting journal entries might differ from for-profit journal entries in these similar events. Write 500–750 words that […]

Business meeting questions

Part I Additional Information: Today, you and Shawn Williams, the new Director of Global Human Capital Management at Atlantis Global Corporation (AGC), met with John Dawson, the company’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Operations Officer (COO), and Chairman of the Board of Directors. This meeting provided both of you with some background about the company […]

evolution of online banking in China

this 2pg Masters level paper addresses the issues on the evolution of online banking in China and development trend of online banking in China. oxford formatting style  


As part of this unit students will complete a Company Analysis Assessment composed of 4 items: Company Selection Assignment of 250 words Company Research Assignment of 10-15 paragraphs + data Company Marketing Assignment of 1200 words Company Management Assignment of 1200 words Each item stated above will deal with the same company MAKE SURE THAT […]

Narrow Banking

Title: Narrow Banking Paper type Coursework Deadline 2 Days, 03 Hrs, 16 Min ) Paper format Oxford Course level Master Subject Area Finance # pages 8 ( or 2200 words Minimum) Spacing Double Spacing # sources 15 Paper Details Assignment Topic: In the aftermath of the financial crisis the legal separation of the trading operations […]


Only write one to two paragraphs on each question. B1: Consider the things that the principal of your old high school had to do to ensure that the school met the needs of its students. Identify these activities and group them by the four functions of management: planning, organising, directing, and controlling. Do you ever […]

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