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Pay structures

Explain why more than one pay structure may be needed in an organization. Discuss the role between internal worth and market value.

motivational theory

The following are contributors to motivational theory: R. DeCharms E. L. Deci Frederick Herzberg Abraham H. Maslow Henry A. Murray Edward E. Lawler, III Ernest J. McCormick Lyman Porter B.F. Skinner F.W. Taylor Kenneth S. Teel Victor H. Vroom Describe their contribution to motivation theory and describe how their contributions to motivation can help you […]

Interview checklists

As a Human Resources Manager of a medium size company, you and your staff have been given the task of creating job descriptions for all the positions in your company (there are 100 different positions). You are the expert in this area and must quickly come up with a job analysis interview that will be […]

Total Quality Management

1) Concerning ISO 9000: – The ISO 9001 Requirements document is organized into four sections. Discuss 3 – Discuss how ISO 9000:2000 is different than older standards – Discuss 3 of the 8 quality management principles of ISO 9000:2000 2) Concerning middle management and their role in implementing TQM: – Discuss what generally approved management […]

market analysis

if your hotel’s market analysis reveals that a substantial number of people are unaware of many of your facilities, what does this tell you and what remedial actions would you take?

Technical information presentation

explain the importance of the presentation of technical information

Recruitment and selection

Compare five sources of job candidates. List the five sources and then compare each. Please also RATE the five sources of job candidates you have listed, with the best receiving a score of 5 and the least good receiving a score of 1. Lists some of the top online recruiting job sites. Have you used […]

External versus internal sourcing of employees

Compare and contrast the relative value of trying to fill a position by considering persons already in the organization versus looking for persons outside the organization. Then, determine which is best for the greatest number of organizations. Explain your rationale.

Performance evaluation

All of the following are features of a behaviorally anchored rating scale EXCEPT: A. six to 10 performance dimensions are identified and defined by raters and the person being rated. B. the dimensions are anchored with positive and negative critical incidents. C. the wording on the form contains jargon commonly used by the person being […]

Performance management

All of the following are suggestions from Watson Wyat for improving the image and effect of performance management EXCEPT: A. put off the difficult decisions. B. eliminate “HR-speak.” C. develop a performance culture. D. set appropriate decisions.

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