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Wall street Inside Job

Assignment:paper Subject:72 Study Level:College Page Count:6 Number of sources:7 Spacing:double Deadline: Jan 27, 6 pm Topic:Wall street Inside Job Citation:MLA English:US Order Number:6598 Details:**We will be using Inside Job and Hank: Five Years from the Brink as the basis of the research paper. *Please use the attachments as a guideline to writing this paper Attachments […]

Deficit Spending

Assignment:essay Subject: business Study Level:College Page Count:3 Number of sources:3 Spacing:double Deadline: Feb 1, 11 am Topic: Deficit Spending Citation:APA English:US Order Number:8897 Details:Write an essay analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of deficit spending and the effects of federal government borrowing on the economy i.e., the “crowding out† effect. Complete this essay in a Microsoft […]

Evaluating the Budgeting Process

Budgeting is an important part of an organization’s overall planning. Through budgeting, each part of an organization’s structure can be identified for decision making and control. For example, if the budget shows that one million units are to be sold in the next 3 months, the sales department knows that it must achieve that goal. […]

Costs of Production Profits and Your Franchise Firm

In this module, we have explored the costs of production which have a direct impact on the profit of your firm. Write a 2- to 3-page essay that addresses the following questions. 1.Give an example of indivisible inputs for your firm. 2.Discuss the characteristics of a perfectly competitive firm. Does your franchise firm share any […]

The Labor Market

Most firms require labor to produce output. The number of workers to hire is often an important decision of the firm because it affects the costs and profits of the firm. Write a 2- to 3-page paper on the following issues: 1.Suppose you are the manager of the firm. What advice would you give the […]

cost accounting

Over the last 30 years, management accountants have made the transition from a “bean counter” to a “strategic partner.” The advent of technology has facilitated automation and recordkeeping. As such, the management accountant has been free to develop customized internal reporting which highlight internal strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement.  The recent financial crisis has […]

Market Equilibration

Equilibration is the process of moving between two equilibrium points as a result of some change in supply or demand. Understanding how market equilibrium is sought following such a change is essential for business managers. It is important to understand how economic principles, and specifically supply, demand, and their determinants are a part of your […]


Use the Internet or the Strayer Library to research companies who have potential (1) pollution problems, (2) environmental-disposal problems, or (3) demolition issues (specifically big-box stores). Next, analyze how you, as the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of a “big box store” that has potential pollution, environmental-disposal, or demolition problems, would handle these costs in your […]

Accounting Calculations Shown In Excel file

Your firm is considering two projects with the following cash flows:   Discount rate: 12%   Project A: -$500 , $167, $180, $160, $ 100, $100 Project B: -500 , $200, $250, $170, $25, $ 30   A) If the appropriate discount rate is 12%, rank the two projects. B) Which project is preferred if […]

“Multinational Financial Management”

From the e-Activity, determine key reasons why a multinational corporation might decide to borrow in a country such as Brazil, where interest rates are high, rather than in a country like Switzerland, where interest rates are low. Provide support for your rationale. From the scenario, select two (2) potential international markets in which TFC may […]

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