There are many reasons that caused world war one. But the direct reason the started world war one was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand! Germany was a main cause of starting the First World War or “Great war”. Nationalism, money, colonial rivalry and probably the most important which was The System of alliance. Germany which […]
Why were people concerned about national or world issues in the 1960s?
Why were people concerned about national or world issues in the 1960s?
Women Art and Society
Discuss an example from one of the resources that you feel speaks to how women artists have traditionally been viewed. In your response be sure to react to, “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?” How has the discipline set up interpretive structures that condition the way people view their art? […]
Slavery in the Caribbean and Carolina.
Short Research Paper: History is about interpretation and debate. You will have an opportunity to develop your own interpretation about a historical topic using primary evidence and secondary sources (the works of other historians and scholars.) You are responsible for writing a brief research paper on any topic relating to American history from the colonial […]
short term financial management paper
To avoid any uncertainty regarding his business’ financing needs at the time when such needs may arise, Cyrus Brown wants to develop a cash budget for his latest venture: Cyrus Brown Manufacturing (CBM). He has estimated the following sales forecast for CBM over the next 9 months: March $100,000 April $275,000 May $320,000 June $450,000 […]
Assignment 1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness
Due Week 2 and worth 300 points Choose one (1) public corporation in an industry with which you are familiar. Research the company on its own Website, the public filings on the Securities and Exchange Commission EDGAR database (, in the University’s online databases, and any other sources you can find. The annual report […]
MKTG522 Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Campaign Plan Topic
Proposal Form: Due Week 1 Complete this form and submit it to the Week 1 Course Project: Topic Proposal Dropbox. Your instructor must approve your idea, and will give you feedback and suggestions if you need help. Begin by brainstorming and generating a list—you have several options when choosing a product or service for your […]
How might historians of Illinois use Jane Addams’s memoir, Twenty Years at HullHouse, to illustrate the development of the state’s society, economy, and culture during the twentieth century?
For the paper, write an essay that responds to the following question: How might historians of Illinois use Jane Addams’s memoir, Twenty Years at HullHouse, to illustrate the development of the state’s society, economy, and culture during the twentieth century? In constructing your essay, ask yourself who was Jane Addams? When she wrote her memoir […]
Later History: 4-5 page Persuasive Commentary
Requirements: Grading criteria for paper The paper has a clear original thesisor central argument. It is well developed and well structured with a clear topic sentence and a clear transition to the following paragraph and ends with a strong conclusion. 4-5 page persuasive commentary on ONLY ONE of the following assertions (Limit References to 5, if they must be used): The Cold War has been called by many historians and non-historians alike […]
Assignment 1.1: A Changing World Thesis and Outline
“The discovery of America, and that of the passage to the East Indies by the Cape of Good Hope, are the two greatest events recorded in the history of [human] kind”—Adam Smith, in The Wealth of Nations, 1776. Think about why he and many other notables supported this statement, especially the discovery of America. What […]