Law Enforcement
1. Select article from peer reviewed journal articles* on topics relevant to your project and the readings within Units 1 – 4 of the course. 2. Read article. 3. Write a 1-page summary (not including the title or reference pages) for article that includes the following components: – Describe how the article supports/refutes a key concept(s) one of the course textbook readings. – Describe whether the key points in the article are similar to your workplace experience. – Conclude by describing how the article will influence your project. 4. Include an APA-formatted reference of each article and follow APA formatting for each summary.
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Cost-Benefit Analysis COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS: Concepts and Practice FOURTH EDITION Boardman, A., Greenberg, D., Vining, A., Weimer, D. (08/2010). Cost-Benefit Analysis, 4th Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from
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