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Case management Outcomes Improvement

Order Description
Select a clinical practice guideline used within a micro system (prefer within your work arena).
Observe the procedure/process involving the clinical practice guideline.
Identify if a variance existed between observed practice and protocol?
Could this variance be labeled a safety issue or a near miss?
Post this finding. If a variance existed, did the variance impact an outcome?
1. Answers the question posted on the discussion board and expands the discussion by bringing in other experiences. Depth and breadth of topic is explored.
2. Three references with citations are included beyond the class readings and can include book chapters, journal articles (primary or secondary) and web based readings, You-Tubes or TED talks.
3. Consistently focuses responses/discussion on class/seminar topic.
4. Critically examines conceptualizations presented in readings/web-based discussions.
Required textbook.
Koloroutis, M. (2004). Relationship-based care: a model for transforming practice. Minneapolis, MN: Creative Health Care Management.

a. Select a clinical practice guideline used within a micro system (prefer within your work arena).
b. Observe the procedure/process involving the clinical practice guideline.
c. Identify if a variance existed between observed practice and protocol?
d. Could this variance be labeled a safety issue or a near miss?
e. Post this finding. If a variance existed, did the variance impact an outcome?

Review your colleagues’ postings within the Discussion Board group and respondminimum x 1.

Unit Objectives:
Discuss the concept of error, human factors and the relationship to patient safety.

Discuss the micro systems’ culture as it relates to patient safety.
Zaccagnini, ME and White, K. (2013). The Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials 2nd Ed. Jones and Bartlett.
Chism, L. (2013). The Doctor of Nursing Practice: A guidebook for role development and professional issues. 2nd Ed. Jones & Bartlett.

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