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Capstone project "Autism in United States"

This is a progressive assignment so you need previous assignments. I have already done most of the part, that I will share too. After conclusion you have to pileup whole assignemnt according to final template. No grammar mistakes accepted. use APA guideline.


            Briefly introduce your next capstone section.  While this may seem redundant at each section, it is important to remind the reader of your research at the beginning of each section. The reason for this? In the event someone is interested in your research, but they do not want to read the entire manuscript, they can easily learn about your research in the beginning of every section.

Research Method and Design Appropriateness

Elaborate on the differences among various research methodologies. What are the differences between qualitative research and quantitative research? Which was more appropriate for your study? Why? More than likely, this will be a descriptive research project, focusing more on the literature surrounding the topic, rather than conducting actual quantitative or qualitative research.


            Discuss your study population. The study population is the larger picture of the research. If you were conducting research focused on childhood education, your study population would include children who are in school. This may be at a local level, state level, national level, or even at the global level. You determine the study population by how big you want the scope of your project to be.

Sampling Frame

Elaborate on your sampling frame here. The sampling frame is the smaller picture of the study population that you can actually obtain information from. For instance, in the same research that is interested in childhood education, the sampling frame may be 10 students from a local school. These ten students would then be used in your data collection process.

Data Collection

            Discuss the collection of your data. Was it quantitative or qualitative? How did you collect the data? How did you protect the integrity of the data? For our example, if 10 nursing home residents could be interviewed; this would be qualitative in nature. Likewise, conducting a numerical poll would be quantitative. If you conduct personal interviews, you will want to ensure minimal researcher bias.

Data Analysis

Discuss the process where you analyzed your data. How did you analyze it? If quantitative, what statistical tool did you use? If qualitative, how did you interpret the information?


Briefly introduce your next capstone section.  While this may seem redundant at each section, it is important to remind the reader at the beginning of each section. The following section will discuss the limitations, use and applications of findings, and recommendations of the research.


Discuss the limitations of your study. Do not leave this paragraph empty; there are always limitations (e.g. time, funding, scope, etc.).

Use and Application of Findings

Summarize your findings from your research. (For example: The use and application of these findings may contribute to…by….). There should be at least 3 recommendations (each a separate paragraph).

Recommendation: Type here.  Thinking outside the box, think of what recommendations you can make to improve the problem you have identified previously. Elaborate why your recommendation is appropriate.

Recommendation: Type here.  Thinking outside the box, think of what recommendations you can make to improve the problem you have identified previously. Elaborate why your recommendation is appropriate.

Recommendation: Type here.  Thinking outside the box, think of what recommendations you can make to improve the problem you have identified previously. Elaborate why your recommendation is appropriate.



Summarize your manuscript here. This is a summary of your entire capstone, not just the last section. Your conclusion may end up being a few pages, depending on the length of your research.

Final template: Must follow

  1. Title Page (1 page)
  2. Abstract (1 page)
  3. Dedication (1 page)
  4. Acknowledgements (1 page)
  5. Table of Contents (1-3 pages)
  6. List of Tables (1 page)
  7. List of Figures (1 page)
  8. Background (5-7 pages total)
    1. Introduction paragraph (1/2 page)
    2. General Problem Statement (1 page)
    3. Specific Problem Statement (1 page)
    4. Purpose Statement (1 page)
    5. Research Questions (1/2 page)
    6. Hypotheses (1/2 page)
    7. Definition of terms (if needed) (1/2 page – 2 pages)
  9. Literature Review (10-16 pages total; minimum 25 scholarly references)
    1. Introduction paragraph (1 page)
    2. Concept 1 (3-5 pages)
    3. Concept 2 (3-5 pages)
    4. Concept 3 (3-5 pages)
  1. Method (5-7 pages total)
  1. Introduction paragraph (1/2 page)
    1. Research Method and Design Appropriateness (1 page)
    2. Population (1 page)
    3. Sampling Frame (1/2 page)
    4. Data Collection  (1 page)
    5. Data Analysis  (1 page)
  1. Findings (5-7 pages total)


    1. Introduction paragraph (1/2 page)
    2. Limitations (1 page)
    3. Use and Application of Findings (1/2 page)
      1. Recommendation 1 (1 page)
      2. Recommendation 2 (1 page)
      3. Recommendation 3 (1 page)
  1. Conclusion (1-2 pages)
  2. Reference Page (1+ pages; minimum of 35 scholarly references)

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