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Business Plan

Business Plan The objective of this assignment is to gain insight and skill in developing a private medical practice.

Business Plan                                     

The objective of this assignment is to gain insight and skill in developing a private medical practice. Students will outline a plan for starting a medical practice that may be implemented in the State of Maryland or the greater metropolitan area.

The plan should include: executive summary,

2.description, strategic plan i.e. marketing strategies, structure/ownership, services offered, budget plan (including third-party payers), staffing plan, and outline of credentialing requirements.

  1. The business plan should also include
  2. the process for ensuring federal regulations regarding HIPPA, ADA and policies designed to ensure

client safety.

  1. The use of health informatics should be highlighted in the plan.

iii. The plan should include a process for peer review, monitoring continuous quality improvement, as

well as, a list of professional collaborators and consultants.

  1. This must be done in APA format including a table of contents.

All references must not be more than two years old 2013-2016

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