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As part of this unit students will complete a Company Analysis Assessment composed of 4 items:
Company Selection Assignment of 250 words
Company Research Assignment of 10-15 paragraphs + data
Company Marketing Assignment of 1200 words
Company Management Assignment of 1200 words

Each item stated above will deal with the same company


Company Selection
250 Words
Select a publicly listed company to analyse. Write a 250-word paper on why you selected this company. Expound upon four reasons. These reasons should not be personal. They should relate to attributes of the company that you are familiar with. Make a claim and then provide evidence for your claim.

Company Research
10-15 Paragraphs + Data
The purpose of this assignment is to get you to complete comprehensive research for your company analysis. You will write a paper that provides basic research about your company. Use headings to organise your paper. Length 3-4 paragraphs.
Write a summary of the information (length 4-6 paragraphs) you have found including:
Company products
Culture (mission, values)
Employee benefits
Employee attributes – what the company is looking for in its employees and what kind of employee would be happiest working there.
Copy the yearly income statement, the yearly balance sheet and the financial ratios to include as part of this paper. Provide commentary about the value of each item. Commentary length: 3-5 paragraphs.
Cite all of the sources using correct format.

Marketing Analysis
1000 words
Include one graph or chart that you created yourself. A good graph might be a pie chart of company sales by product categories. The visual display must relate to marketing. Financial information such as revenue and net income growth is not appropriate for this visual display. Cartoons and process drawings are not appropriate.

Brand Analysis – Description of the company brand image including attributes, benefits and values. Analysis of how the company manages its brand.

Product Analysis – Description of new product development in the company. Assess where the company’s products are on the product life cycle. How does the company manage products?

Customer Analysis – Give 4 or 5 characteristics of the company’s target market. Articulate the company customer value proposition. How does the company manage the customer life cycle? What channels are used to reach the customer

Competition – Compare and contrast two to three of the strongest competitors to your company. How does your company compete?

Growth Strategy – What marketing strategy is used by your company. Summarise key points from the previous sections to articulate how it plans to grow.

Visual Display

Management Analysis
Describe the impact of two or three key managers in the company. What style of management do they employ? Are they effective? What stories are typically told about managers?

Corporate mission, values and culture. Describe what these are and how they contribute to the company brand. Does the company value diversity? What is the diversity of its management and workforce? What stories characterise the company culture?

Corporate social responsibility. Identify a negative incident involving the company and describe how the company handled the incident. Analyse where the company is on the stages of corporate social responsibility.

Identify the benefits that an employee would get at the company. How does this compare to other companies?

Identify the attributes the company seeks in an employee. What type of person should be happiest working for this company?


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