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BUS475 Week-3 Final Exam

Question-1 Communication is the process of

transferring information and meaning.

listening actively.a

writing messages.

talking constantly.

Question-2: Business communication is often more demanding than social communication because communication on the job is affected by


the growing reliance on teamwork in business.


desire to always advance and move up in an organization.

Question-3 What are the benefits of using IM in business communication?

Less personal

Low cost

Ability to exclude those unable to use IM

To maintain a quiet work environment

Question-4: What are the three major steps in the writing process?

Plan, Write, and Complete

Plan, Construct, and Complete

Prepare, Write, and Complete

Prepare, Construct, and Stop

Question-5: What way can you build credibility with an audience when planning a persuasive message?

Use simple language.

Use difficult language.

Use descriptive language.

Use hostile language.

Question-6: What type of data visual would you use to illustrate trends over time?

Gantt chart

Bar graph

Line chart

Scatter diagrams

Question-7: How do you keep the audience’s attention?

Use confusing language

Relate your subject to your audience’s needs

Talk about yourself

Offer a reward

Question-8: What does quality of hire mean?

A measure of how a new employee is hired

How good an employee is at getting hired

On a 1–10 scale, the hire is a 10

A measure of how closely new employees meet the company’s needs

Question-9 What is a subjective statement?

A statement involving a subject

A statement made true by someone thinking it is true

A statement that pertains to a chapter in a book

A statement that is fact

Question-10: An argument consists of two parts:

the fact and the rebuttal

the subject and the outcome

the premise and the conclusion

the point and the conclusion

Question-11: What are some rhetorical devices used in persuasive messages?





Question-12: __________ are part of the elements of creativity?

Domain skills

Thinking skills

Listening skills

Athletic skills

Question-13: Our most reliable source of information about the world is

our own observations.

cable news.

the Internet.


Question-14: The reliability of our observations is not better than the reliability of our ____________.





Question-15: The following is an example of a moral value judgment:

As an actress, Paris Hilton has a nice clothes rack.

Keith Lewis must be a total flake.

The senator dresses well.

I don’t deserve to be flunked for an honest mistake.

Question-16: Utilitarianism is

an act that will produce more happiness than will alternatives, it is the right thing to do, and if it will produce less happiness, it would be wrong to do.

an act that will produce less happiness than will alternatives, it is the right thing to do, and if it will produce more happiness, it would be wrong to do.

an act that will produce more happiness than will alternatives, it is the wrong thing to do, and if it will produce less happiness, it would be right to do.

an act that will produce less happiness than will alternatives, it is the wrong thing to do, and if it will produce less happiness, it would be right to do.

Question-17: One of the principal roles of the Judiciary is

to provide the other branches of government with legal counsel.

to issue common law writs.

to issue injunctions and related orders.

to resolve disputes.

Question-18: Business ethics may be defined as

taking an expedient approach to any business situation

doing what is most advantageous for the business

a consciousness of what is right or wrong in the workplace

minimizing decisions having potentially adverse consequences for business stakeholders

Question- 19: “Fair use” is a defense to copyright infringement that

requires findings by a court.

is non-statutory.

is absolute.

is available in all countries.

Question-20: A valid contract must

be entirely in writing

be signed by all parties

use the title “Contract” at the top of the document

exist where all necessary legal elements for contract formation are present

Question-21: Remedies for a contract breach may include

imprisonment and fines.

consequential damages.

no consideration of cost to the breaching party or parties.

punitive damages.

Question-22: Administrative law primarily stems from

the Executive Branch.

the Legislative Branch.

common law decisions of courts.

the Judicial Branch.

Question-23: The Administrative Procedures Act

applies to the Judiciary Branch.

provides for uniform procedural structures in regulatory agencies.

provides due process standards for the Judiciary Branch.

establishes regular order in congressional committees.

Question-24: A socially responsible company

is only concerned with shareholder value.

primarily seeks to enhance executive compensation.

constantly strives to reduce labor and material costs wherever possible.

is concerned with its economic and social value and environmental impact.

Question-25: Business environment pressures can come from which of the following?

Quality control

Cost reduction

Political changes

Management restructuring

Question-26: Which of the following is an ethical issue?

Sales tax formulas

Business Process Reengineering

Software coding

Accuracy Question Source

Question-27: In a relational database, the customer record contains information regarding the customer’s last name. The last name is a(n):

primary key




Question-28: A standardized language used to manipulate data is

a data manipulation language.


Microsoft Access.

a structured query language.

Question-29: Which of the following is a wireless technology?

4 G applications

Communication between a modem and a router

Typical cable modem to router communication link

Fiber-optic connections

Question-30: A(n) _____________________ allows unauthorized entry into a wireless network.

lack of encryption

disgruntled employee

cloud server

rogue access point

Question-31: Critical to the systems development life cycle is

the identification ofthe time of year it is developed.

seeing what competitors provide.

the identification ofthe price charged to other customers.

knowing the customer’s goals and objectives.

Question-32: One of the advantages of a server farm is that

servers can be stacked on top of one another, so less space is needed.

servers last longer in a server farm.

if one server fails, an application can be automatically moved to another one.

more people are required to maintain servers in a server farm.

Question-33: In the managerial function of __________, managers encourage and motivate workers to work toward organizational goals.





Question-34: Personality within an individual typically evolves ________.

relatively quickly

when an individual changes jobs

over approximately 25 years

at no point during a lifetime

Question-35: Laura has dreamed of playing in a symphony. She practices her instrument every day and yet, year after year, she cannot successfully play the difficult musical piece necessary to try out. This is an example of

vicarious learning being of upmost importance.

motivation being the main factor in performance.

extrinsic motivation outweighing intrinsic motivation.

motivation not equaling performance.

Question-36: Research on the five-stage model of group development shows that

all groups pass through the norming stage.

groups always pass through the stages in order.

not all groups go through each of the stages.

all groups pass through the adjourning stage.

Question-37: Brenda Butler, editor of the Republican, is trying to decide whether to take a job at a much larger newspaper or to become the CEO and publisher of the Republican. Brenda has to make this decision because of ________.

a threat

an opportunity

a problem

bounded rationality

Question-38: Transactional leaders motivate followers by

exchanging rewards for good performance.

inducing followers to support their vision.

overlooking mistakes or substandard performance.

inspiring them with charismatic behavior

Question-39: During an organizational confrontation meeting, __________ meet to confront the issue of whether the organization is effectively meeting its goals.

employees from all organizational levels

all of the managers of the organization

external and internal change agents

members of the top management team

Question-40: The __________ as the number of levels in the organizational hierarchy increases.

span of control narrows

span of control expands

scope of influence narrows

scope of influence expands

Question-41: Suppose that at the current price consumers would like to purchase 10 million large-screen televisions and 15 million are available. When the market coordinates the demand and supply for large-screen televisions, the price of large-screen televisions will _______________.



stay the same

be fixed by government

Question-42: The reason economists and accountants have problems using cost analysis in the real world is that

economists do not believe in the existence of explicit costs.

although implicit costs do not show up in accounting profits, they nevertheless affect managerial decisions.

although explicit costs do not show up in accounting profits, they nevertheless affect managerial decisions.

explicit costs cannot be measured.

Question-43: Refer to the graph shown. With efficient production, this firm can maximize production at what point?





Question-44: is a vast auction site that is similar to a competitive market in some ways but differs from it in others. Which of the following describes how eBay resembles a competitive market?

It is easy to enter and easy to leave eBay.

Sellers sometimes do not describe the products accurately on eBay.

There is a great variety of different products sold on eBay.

On eBay the large sellers dominate the market.

Question-45: From the point of view of consumer surplus and producer surplus, what problem was created when Thailand subsidized the cost of energy to consumers to help alleviate the burden of higher energy costs?

It hurt the poor and benefitted the rich.

It led to less fuel being used than the amount that maximizes consumer surplus.

It encouraged the consumption of too much fuel at the expense of other goods.

It has no effect; consumers gained consumer surplus, but taxpayers lost the same amount because they had to finance the subsidy.

Question-46: A nation’s comparative advantage in the production of an item is determined by

which country has already specialized in the production of the item.

the total and marginal costs of producing the item.

the opportunity cost of producing the item relative to a trading partner’s opportunity cost.

wage rates and other input costs.

Question-47: Which of the following groups would be most likely to benefit from a tariff on Japanese-manufactured light trucks (i.e., pickup trucks)?

U.S. domestic pickup truck manufacturers

Japanese auto workers

U.S. consumers of pickup trucks

U.S. firms that export products to Japan

Question-48: Why do some stores offer senior citizen discounts on Tuesdays?

Most stores are perfect competitors in their geographic region.

Senior citizens have perfectly inelastic demand curves, whereas other shoppers do not.

Senior citizens have more elastic demand schedules than do other shoppers.

Senior citizens have less elastic demand schedules than do other shoppers.

Question-49: Aggregate demand management policies are designed most directly to

minimize unemployment

minimize inflation

control the aggregate level of spending in the economy

prevent budget deficits or surpluses

Question-50: According to Keynes, why might deflation create problems for an economy?

Consumers might expect prices to fall further and cut back consumption now.

In expectation of increased spending, too many entrepreneurs would begin businesses and most would fail.

The cost of repricing goods would increase costs, and therefore reduce profits, for businesses and they would cut production.

People would invest less into the economy.

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