A written paper on a building that has failed or collapsed due to a faulty design or construction technique. You need to include: the history of the building, what happened to that building and why that failure happen ( the cause of the failure)? What could have been done to prevent the failure? What lessons were learned and were they implemented in structures that followed?
- Your paper content ( core subject) should be at least 2 and half pages in length ( this does not include pictures, bibliography, or graphs).
- It should have a bibliography page at the end of the paper to properly document and cite any possible resource that was used in researching the content of your paper.
- Double spaced,10 font, 1″ margin.
- Should contain informative pictures, illustrations, graphs, or any other visual aid that illustrate and explain the researched material.
- Use foot notes as required.
- Bibliography is required with a minimum of Three sources. They should be: One Book, One internet resource, One article in a newspaper or magazine ( found in a library or online).
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