Instructions: Respond to the following questions by including a typed explanation. You are allowed to use your book, your notes, and your classmates as sources to answer any question. Written responses must be in your own words. Your work cannot be similar to the work of your classmates. The quiz is due as a printed hard copy at the beginning of lecture on Wednesday March 16th. Your assignment must be typed. Do not print out this entire document. Only print out your answers. No excuses. No electronic copies will be accepted.
Use the article attached Prevalence and characterization of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates from healthy university students and Section 22.4 to help you answer the questions below:
- What type of microorganism is MRSA? What is the difference between HA-MRSA and CA-MRSA?
- Read the background of the article Prevalence and characterization of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates from healthy university students to answer the following:
- In your own words, what is the purpose of the study, and the justification for the study? (maximum 4 sentences).
- What is the difference between colonization and infection (perform a Google if needed, and your answer must be in your own words)? (2 sentences per answer)
- Go to the corresponding Figures in the article to answer the following:
- Based on the flowchart in Figure 1., how do scientists select for positive selection of MRSA isolates (meaning, what color are the colonies, and report the type of test performed for positive selection)?
- Interpret Table 1, and Figure 2. What were the results reported? (maximum of 7 sentences in your own words)?
- Summarize in 8 sentences the discussion section of the article. Report what the findings were for this study.
- How does the study from Prevalence and characterization of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates from healthy university students relate to section 22.4 of your reading? What are parallels seen in this study and in section 22.4 with regard to the spread of disease? What are differences? (5 sentences)
- Many of you want to be physical therapists, or a few want to become doctors. If you had a client/patient who had a MRSA infection, what would you do to prevent the spread of CA-MRSA? You must give me an answer based on the Centers for Disease Control website http://www.cdc.gov/mrsa/. (maximum 7-10 sentences)
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