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Bentley, Traditions and Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past, Volume 1

Study Level:College
Page Count:9
Number of sources:2
Deadline: Tue, march 15, 5pm
Order Number:35352
Details: Total is 9 pages. The number of the pages is not include the pictures and work cited. The final should be more than 9 pages.  MLA  12 and Double space  Due date: 03/17 Part 1. (3 pages not include the pictures) Book: Bentley, Traditions and Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past, Volume 1. Fifth Edition or Sixth Edition.  Write essays of about 1 ½ pages each on the following two questions.  Five paragraphs each.  Include 2-3 pictures with each essay and explain how the pictures add to our understanding. 1. Religion. Discuss what you know about the religious beliefs and practices in two of the early civilizations we have studied in Chapters 4-6. How was religion central to their lives? 2. Economics. Discuss how people made a living in three of the societies in Chapters 4-6. How did trade and economic development impact the overall happiness of the people? Do you see the societies following different strategies or is it basically the same approach? Part 2.(3 pages) Book: Bentley, Traditions and Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past, Volume 1. Fifth Edition or Sixth Edition. How do you see the “classical societies” developing in Chapters 7-10? Consider how ideas from this era have contributed to the world we live in today.  Illustrated essay with 3 pages of writing and at least 5 pictures. Make sure the pictures and the writing work closely together and reinforce each other.  Use information related to Chapter 7-10. You may also use material from the Intro to Part 2, where Bentley and Ziegler make fascinating generalizations about Classical Societies.  Organize your essay about 8 key terms Try to use key terms from all four chapters. For example, Buddhism is a key term in Chapter 9.  please put the key term in bold.  Please write in short to medium-sized paragraphs (generally five sentences or less per paragraph).  In the first paragraph, please provide an introduction with a general statement about the “classical societies” you are discussing in your essay. Mention one or more key aspects of society (such as philosophy, government, agriculture, etc) that you chose to emphasize.  In the last paragraph, provide a conclusion to tie the essay together. Give the reader one or two insights to walk away with. Tell how the material enriches our lives or helps us understand our world. Part 3 (3 pages) Book: Martin, Herodotus and Sima Qian: The First Great Historians of Greece and China. ISBN 978-0-312-41649-0. Essay on Herodotus and Sima Qian  Three page essay (double spaced) using the small book Herodotus and Sima Qian.  Develop one main point or theme based on the information and insights you gained from the book. Here are three examples of themes that could work for this essay: “Herodotus and Sima Qian both use historical examples to teach lessons.” “The stories from Herodotus and Sima Qian reflect the different values in their cultures.” “The two historians have different views of what makes a great leader.” (You can find more ideas for themes from Herodotus and Sima Qian, page 143, Questions 16-23.)  Relate your main point to developments in Greece and China in the classical era. You may also consider how your main point relates to the life experiences of the two historians.  In your first paragraph, introduce the topic you are covering and state your main point.  Develop your main point with specific information, insights and quotes from the documents (Part Two). Use material from at least three documents by Herodotus and at least three by Sima Qian. You may also use the introduction or information from the textbook. (Bentley, Traditions and Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past, Volume 1. Fifth Edition or Sixth Edition.)  Simply mention where you got your material and give a page number. Example: In his account of the reign of Empress Lu (Document 10), Sima Qian says Lu gained power through treachery and murder. However, he also notes the people did well during her reign: “The world was at peace, punishments and penalties were rarely imposed, and criminals became few.” (111)  Try to include at least twelve short quotes from the documents.  Please make sure you are mentioning the right author. Thomas Martin wrote the Introduction (Part One). He also wrote comments in italics at the beginning of each document. The actual documents are by either Herodotus or Sima Qian.  Please use short or medium-sized paragraphs. Three or four sentences can make a good paragraph.  In your conclusion, discuss how the readings can enrich our lives and add to our understanding of the world. You may also note if you found any of the writings particularly rewarding.

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