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Basic Astrology Chart Reading Horoscope

Basic Astrology Chart Reading Horoscope Perfect reading – Complete Report

Basic Astrology Chart Reading Horoscope Perfect reading

Please message me for more detail and providing relevant information.


If you want to know about yourself, personality, disease pattern, lifestyle, career, your marital relationship, please let me know the following:

– Date of Birth

– Place of Birth (latitude and longitude if you can figure out or else place of birth is enough)

– Time of birth (Please give me GMT time as well as local time)
Based on the above, I should be able to tell you the following:

– Personal appearance, Character

– Mind, Health and Disease

– Educational and Financial Prospects

– Enemies and debts

– Parents and Brothers

– Marriage and children

Astrology is a science. It is knowledge co-ordinated, arranged and synthesized. Astrology is derived from the word Aster – star and Logos – reason or logic. It is called in Sanskrit – Jyotishas or the science of light.

By observation, by deduction and most importantly by deduction, the astrologer can find a correspondence between the movements of planets and events in the life of each individual and this assertion can be tested in a comparatively brief investigation by an intelligent person.

Please message me for more detail and providing relevant information.

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