Based on the Critical Analysis of gerontological Issues in America (Diabetes, Arthritis, Congestive heart failure, and dementia). Conduct an In-depth analysis of the pertinent topics:
a) Create a PowerPoint to be used to present this
b) PowerPoint should be 20-30 slides
c) Context and Synthesis of information in cohesive,
correct spelling and grammar.
d) References must be 3 years
STEPs for creating the PowerPoint:
1. Define the problem; disease prevalence and
incidence; statistical data
2. Identify specific population affected, cultural
implications, and financial/legal/ethical
3. Identify various interventions that can be used
to improve the problem based on theories of
4. Identify community resources that are available
5. Identify possible associated cost. Is this idea
6. Identify at least three (3) nursing implications
and at least three (3) future nursing research
topics. Provide rationale for each, synthesizing
the need and possible ways to bridge the gap in
nursing research
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