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Capstone project "Autism in United States"

This is a progressive assignment so you need previous assignments. I have already done most of the part, that I will share too. After conclusion you have to pileup whole assignemnt according to final template. No grammar mistakes accepted. use APA guideline.  Method             Briefly introduce your next capstone section.  While this may seem redundant […]

HCS 490 Week 1 Product Review

Identify two health care product advertisements from radio, television, newspaper, magazines, or social media. Possible products could include blood pressure cuffs, blood glucose meters, and food diary apps.   Write a review (350- to 700- words) of the two health care product advertisements in which you do the following: Describe the products. Describe the advertisement for the […]

HCS 490 Week 2 Case Study Comparisons

Faculty will provide each team with a profile of a fictional person.   Research health care costs and coverage options for your assigned individual.   Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word summary of your findings. Prepare to share your findings with the class.

Current Article Summary

Find a short news or online article that has been recently published (within the current month) that addresses healthcare reform in the United States.   Write a 350- to 700-word summary that describes the issue and its impact on the health industry and society as a whole.   Consider the following: What is the article about? Does the […]

Product Remarketing Activity

Review product advertisements discussed during Week 1.   Suggest a new way to market the products to a different age group (350- to 700- words). Include the following: Indicate the original age group identified during the first week. Choose another age group to market this product to. What media style would be most effective to reach the […]

Applying the Results and Conclusion of the Research Process to Problems in Health Care

Use the content ofthe Applying the Background and Methodology of the Research Process to Problems in Health Care assignment, which was due in Week Two, as a guide to complete the following assignment. Respond to the following questions in 1,050- to 1,400-word paper: Results: data collection methods In what way are the data collection procedures appropriate for […]

Continuous Quality Improvements & Risk Management

Discuss the various tools, and their applications, for risk management as outlined by The Joint Commission and the Hambleton article, including conducting a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA).  View Patient Safety: At the Heart of All We Do and apply proactive risk management to health care delivery in a hospital, long-term care, or […]

Trends and Consumerism in Health Care Presentation

Select one of the articles from the readings this week on consumerism in health care and obtain faculty approval. Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, including detailed speaker notes, based on the techniques of the research process from Weeks Two and Three. Include the following elements: Background: Summarize the article by explaining how the article applies to customer […]

Key Human Resource Functions

Fair and adequate compensation is critical for attracting the most qualified employees and retaining and motivating staff. When determining compensation, consideration should be given to fair and equitable compensation among all workers in the same company (internal equity) and fair and equitable compensation relative to the external market (external equity). Consider the following scenario: You […]

the history and evolution of health care economics and the timeline of health care funding

Complete the Economic Terms Exercise in Week One of the student website. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you include the following: Describe the history and evolution of health care economics and the timeline of health care funding, usingthe defined terms. Includetwo outside resources. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Submit your paper and a copy […]

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