Post a short (500 words) discussion on fatigue mitigation related to the clinical environment. Find at least one journal article that relates to your topic and use it in your discussion as well as site it in APA format. This assignment is worth 5 points. APA format: 1 point Reference: 1 point Relevant topic: 2 […]
Identify Nursing Leadership Priorities
The goal of your course project is to showcase your understanding of systems, organizations, and leadership and demonstrate your ability to apply this knowledge to real-world situations and practices in ways that create both personal and organizational value. The most useful way to approach this project is to set it into the context of your […]
Healthcare Research
For this assignment, you will begin to research journal articles, Web resources, and other tools that address your chosen priorities. Peruse professional organization and government Web sites for ideas, themes, and current information relating to systems, organizational, and nursing leadership with which to address your issues of priority for the course project. Links to organizations […]
Health Program Assignment
Health Program Assignment. Cover the following key content: State target objective from HP 2020. Description of Target Community. Description of your “community” at the city or county or municipality level; in other words, “who are the people whom you will be providing your program for?” Include information about your target community. This includes target population size […]
imago dei
What is the Christian concept of the imago dei? How might it be relevant to our unique approach in health care and why is it important?
Nursing Home and Subacute Care
Nursing Home and Subacute Care During the nineteenth and the twentieth century, the term “nursing home” was synonymous with long-term care. Although today the exclusive use of the term “long-term care” is no longer accurate for nursing homes, it continues to remain and will not change easily. However, newer terms such as “nursing facilities” will […]
HCS 440 Week 5 Health Care Reform Project, Part III
Resource:Health Care Reform Projects, Parts I and II Prepare a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you summarize health care reform material. Assume you are making a presentation to the board of directors concerning your investigation into the economic issue you submitted for your Learning Team assignments in Weeks Two and Three. Have a minimum of 10 to 15 slides with […]
HCS 440 Week 3 Health Care Reform Project Part II
Resources: Results from Health Care Reform Project, Part I Research three possible solutions to your selected health care economic issue, as determined in Week Two. The solutions do not need to be extensive, but must represent solutions identified in your research. Describe your findings and proposed solutions in 1,050-1,750 words from the information and articles collected in the […]
HCS 440 Week 4 Economic Issues Simulation Paper
Review the Health Care Economics Issues HMO Simulation. Select either Constructit or E-editor to analyze for your paper. Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you present a profile of the chosen company, including the demographics of the employees, the health care risk factors or potential areas of high utilization, and the premiums the company is willing […]
HCS 490 Week 1 Changing Landscape of Health Care
Write a 750- to 1050-word reflection detailing the changing landscape of the health care system. Some things to consider are: Shifts taking place Current and potential challenges How health care is handling challenges