Archive by Author

Application of Nursing Theory to Practice

Question: You are a professional nurse caring for Mr. R, a 58-year-old patient who recently underwent surgery for colon cancer resulting in a temporary colostomy. Select one of the assigned or unassigned nursing theories from our textbook and address the following: Basic content and terminology of the theory or model you select, and How you would provide professional […]

What is the role of the World Health Organization on global governance of health care systems

What is the role of the World Health Organization on global governance of health care systems? Is the WHO still a relevant global organization? Does it empower or hinder research and development efforts for developing nations? Are there significant safeguards in place to police the WHO?

Critique article analysis — Lived experience

Please use the article “The lived experience of women victims of intimate partner violence” to complete this critique.

Nursing paper

Read the following requirements thoroughly, and write 2-3 pages paper on the instructions given below. Your paper must include headings before started each new section. You must include 3 scholarly references cited in APA. Your answer must be 100% original.   Requirements: Compassionate about what ways a Certified Nursing Assistant can recruit other quality Nursing […]

Healthcare Research

Your instructor will assign you a research article relating to the current challenges in the long-term care continuum and their impact on the current long-term care industry. Read the assigned research paper and research the South University Online Library and the Internet to learn more about the topic. After you have completed your review, create […]

Adolecent sex. Why the teen pregnancy and STD rates are high and how can we improve them.

Adolescent Sex Teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases continue to be an important healthcare issue in the 20th century.  Although teen pregnancy rates have dropped there are still concerns and healthcare problems that are associated with teen pregnancy. Often times they are afraid to discuss sex with their parents and deny will deny being sexually […]

how social support or social networks can impact health disparities within this population.

Read the following requirements thoroughly, and write 1-2 pages paper on the instructions given below. Your paper must include headings before started each new section. You must include 3 scholarly references cited in APA. Your answer must be 100% original.   Requirements:   Select onepopulation and consider how social support or social networks can impact health […]

Addressing Barriers to Effective Communication

Addressing Barriers to Effective Communication   From moment to moment, a nurse leader’s day involves communication—with patients, families, colleagues, supervisors, and so on.   Think of a particular day you spent working in a health care environment, and consider three or four distinct points in time. For each point of time, consider the following: With […]

Combining Nurse Leader With Advocacy

Rate yourself using the results from the “Nurse Manager Skills Inventory”: Write a reflection of 750-1,000 words in which you identify your strengths and weaknesses related to the four content areas below: Personal and professional accountability Career planning Personal journey disciplines Reflective practice reference behaviors/tenets Discuss how you will use your current leadership skill […]

Long-Term Care Today

Demographics and epidemiological transitions result in dramatic changes in the health needs of individuals throughout the globe. In recent times, there has been increase in the prevalence of long-term disability in the population—causing increasing need for long-term care services. In addition, the present developing world is experiencing an increase in the demand for long-term care […]

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