Archive by Author

Dangers of embryonic stem cell research to society

Describe three (3) dangers you believe embryonic stem cell research can present to society. Consider the medical or scientific arguments supporting the use of embryos to achieve health benefits. Finally, prepare a 1-paragraph statement opposing the research. Must be in APA format with references

IVF-Three important points to discuss with IVF patients

You are in the role of a fertility counselor providing information to a couple on the procedure of in vitro fertilization. Describe three (3) important points you want to discuss with the couple, and provide a one-paragraph justification explaining why you think it is important for them to understand these points. Cite any sources you […]

Stem Cell Research Presentation

Stem Cell Research Presentation You have been asked to give a presentation on the benefits that embryonic stem cell research can yield in the treatment of chronic and life-threatening diseases to a group that opposes this research on moral and religious grounds. In preparing your presentation, you want to be sure that you convey accurate […]

Bioethical issue that society is currently facing (in-depth analysis) – 20-25 pages

This project provides you with an opportunity to conduct an in-depth examination of a bioethical issue that society is currently debating. You will research an issue of your choice that has significant implications for public policy. As you develop this project, you will examine and document the rich contextual nature of the debate as it […]

nursing homework

Annabelle, age 34, is four months pregnant with her first child. Annabelle was obese (BMI=32) at the beginning of her pregnancy.  While pregnant, she started to develop mild hypertension (145/95) and an abnormally high fasting blood glucose (128 mg/dl).  Using 12-point font, double spaced in approximately 1-2 pages   evaluate her situation and make recommendations for […]

discuss your opinion of women breastfeeding in public

In one paragraph, discuss your opinion of women breastfeeding in public.  In one additional paragraph, discuss what we as individuals and as a society could do differently to encourage more mothers to breastfeed.  Be specific.  To formulate your answer, cite and discuss at least one outside reference source to support your statement.

impact of advertisements for foods and beverages that are broadcast during children's television programming

Give your opinion on the impact of advertisements for foods and beverages that are broadcast during children’s television programming.  Discuss whether you believe the government should have mandatory guidelines on the marketing of foods and beverages to children.  Cite and discuss at least one outside reference source to support your statement

Quantitative Mini Critique Objectives

1. Identify an area of clinical interest 2. Find one peer-reviewed journal article (no older than 5 years) related to your clinical topic of interest. Do not use a meta-analysis or systematic review. 3. Critique the journal article, fully answering the following questions 4. This critique should be 3-4 pages (not including the cover page […]

Nursing Homework

If you were asked to get a genetic test panel performed, which diseases or health risks would you be interested in learning about and why? Describe the biochemical composition, structure, and replication of DNA. Detail the role of specific RNA’s in the process of protein transcription and translation. Describe, in detail, one of the processes […]


write a paper of 800 words that includes the following in addressing the health issue: HIV Discuss past and present funding for initiatives that address the health issue. Include both public and private sources. Analyze past and present quality initiatives that address the health issue. Include both public and private sources. Differentiate how being insured […]

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