Question: Read the article, “Comparison of Nurse Burnout Across Army Hospital Practice Environments.” What kind of sample was used and how was that sample recruited? Do you believe that subjects were coerced to participate? Why or why not? Nursing Research Boswell, C. & Cannon, S. (2013). Introduction to nursing research: Incorporating evidence based practice (3rd ed.). […]
Healthcare Management Using Six Sigma or another management strategy
Healthcare Management Using Six Sigma or another management strategy, describe in a scholarly paper how you would organize and manage resources, including human resources, for a real problem of patient falls within your organization. The problem requires analysis and intervention. Grading Rubric: EVALUATION OF GRADUATE SCHOLARLY PAPER. References not older than two years. (8-10 pages […]
Business Plan
Business Plan The objective of this assignment is to gain insight and skill in developing a private medical practice. Business Plan The objective of this assignment is to gain insight and skill in developing a private medical practice. Students will outline a plan for starting a medical practice that may be implemented in the […]
evidence base practice
prepare: Review the article, “Formulating the Evidence Based Practice Question: A Review of the Frameworks,” found in the Learning Resources for this week. Focus on the PICOT model for guiding the development of research questions. Review the section beginning on page 75 of the course text, titled, “Developing and Refining Research Problems” in the course […]
Coyne and Messina Articles, Part 2 Statistical Assessment
Coyne and Messina Articles, Part 2 Statistical Assessment Details: 1) Write a paper of 1,000-1,250 words regarding the statistical significance of outcomes as presented in Messina’s, et al. article “The Relationship between Patient Satisfaction and Inpatient Admissions Across Teaching and Nonteaching Hospitals.” 2) Assess the appropriateness of the statistics used by referring to the […]
Supreme court and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 provided comprehensive healthcare reform intended to improve healthcare access, contain healthcare costs, and improve healthcare delivery in the United States. In June 2012, the Supreme Court upheld virtually all of the provisions of ACA in a case that questioned its constitutionality. Review the major provisions of […]
User Training and System Maintenance
In this course, you will progressively work on a system implementation process in six stages: Week 1: System planning Week 2: System analysis Week 3: System selection Week 4: System implementation Week 5: User training and system maintenance You can use Internet resources, peer-reviewed journals, and reputable, published articles, and you may interview an executive […]
Public Health
An exploration of the concept of process evaluation. Consider the reasons why process evaluation is important and specific situations in which a process evaluation is particularly useful. A description of the steps involved in a process evaluation. Provide examples of the types of program information that should be included in a process evaluation. An examination […]
Public Health Issues
research and read about a health issue in specific regions in the United States. Some examples of the topics for your research could be: HIV or AIDS in African-Americans in Southern United States. Alcoholism in Native Americans in Midwestern United States. Diabetes among Navajo people in Southwest United States. Obesity among low-income children in […]
SPSS tutorials
Search for 2 or 3 SPSS tutorials to help you learn how to use SPSS. Answer the following about the websites. Provide the website for the 2 or 3 tutorials that you found on SPSS? What specific things were you searching for in these tutorials? What did you like or dislike about the tutorials? What […]