Archive by Author

Planned Change in a Department or Unit

Health care organizations are continuously immersed in change from the emergence of new policies, to promote quality care and improve patient safety to keeping pace with the rapid growth in knowledge and best practices. Establishing a solid framework for planning and implementing change is a wise move, as it provides a foundation for the extensive […]

nursing research paper

RESEARCH PAPER:   You choose one of two topics as the following: You are an advisor board member for a local paramedic initial education program. You have been asked to develop a supporting paper for the program to seek national accreditation through the appropriate EMS Initial Education Accrediting Body, CoAEMSP. Using information you have learned […]

healing hospital HLT 310 V benchmark assesment

Consider how the paradigm of a healing hospital might influence your philosophy of caregiving and write an essay of 500-750 words that addresses the following: Describe the components of a healing hospital and their relationship to spirituality. What are the challenges of creating a healing environment in light of the barriers and complexities of the […]

nursing assignment

: Students are required to find a RECENT (written in the past 6 months) news article about the state of doctor assisted suicide in Canada. You are required to write a brief summary of your article (max. ½ page) and include a statement on whether or not you agree with doctor assisted suicide. You must […]

Nursing Management: Module 3

Time Management and Priority Setting Learning Objectives Module III concentrates on the following course outcomes— 1. Apply an ethical/legal framework to a nursing management situation. Different ethical principles regarding management are discussed; laws and other legal processes related to employment, management and related human resources issues are explored. 2. Identify the human, fiscal and material resources necessary […]


Prior to completing this assignment, review Assignment 9 in Chapter 17 of your course text. Prepare an evaluation of the performance of the Radiology Department Manager for a hospital. The service unit, or output, for this department is the number of procedures performed. A static budget was prepared at the beginning of the year. Examine […]

Healthcare discussion

For this Discussion, initial responses must be at least 300 words, and should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.). Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful. Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics. Make two or more responses to […]

Public health (large area) epidemiology

Module Exercise 2: Public health (large area) epidemiology         The exercise: The Australian government Department of Health (federal) produces reports each year containing data on notifiable diseases which are of great use to those studying changes in disease distributions with space or time with the aim of planning country-wide control initiatives. To […]

different types of anemia

In clinical settings, patients often present with many different types of anemia. Each type of anemia has its own causes and implications. For this reason, you must be able to differentiate between types of anemia as well as identify factors that put patients at greater risk of experiencing related complications. As you prepare for this […]

Critiquing a Change Effort

As a nurse leader, you need to have the skills and knowledge to collaborate and communicate with those who plan for and manage change. This capacity is valuable in any health care setting and for many different types of change. Furthermore, it is essential to be able to evaluate a change effort and determine if […]

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