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Recall a current (in the past three years) situation in sports related to deviance and/or violence and provide your thoughts on the issue.

Recall a current (in the past three years) situation in sports related to deviance and/or violence and provide your thoughts on the issue.

BSM 2701, Sociology of Sport 4

commercialization in sports

Person Variables vs. Situation Variables

Sociology of Sports Unit IV Essay Opposing Viewpoints

As part of the required reading, you read the article Public Prayers at Sport Events: What’s Legal and What’s Not?

Race, Gender, and Ethnicity in Sports

Unit II PowerPoint Presentation

Sociology Sports Unit I Article Review

Think back to a time when you played sports or were involved in an organization. What were the reasons for this involvement? What were some of the things you learned? Was it a positive or negative experience? Explain

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