Archive by Author

Week 6: Wrapping Up

Week 6: Wrapping Up   Introduction   This week concludes the Educational Psychology course. You have studied a wide variety of theories, perspectives, research, strategies, and ideas about effective teaching and the ways children learn. Consider what you knew about educational psychology when you began this course and the ways in which your thinking and […]

Psychological Statistic

Simply reporting measures of central tendency or measures of variability will not tell the whole story. Using the following information, what else does a psychologist need to know or think about when interpreting this information? A school psychologist decided to separate some classes by gender to see if learning improved. She looked at student scores […]

Psychological Statistic

Psychological Statistic Simply reporting measures of central tendency or measures of variability will not tell the whole story. Using the following information, what else does a psychologist need to know or think about when interpreting this information? A school psychologist decided to separate some classes by gender to see if learning improved. She looked at […]

learning theory

Background In psychology, learning theory refers to how we acquire basic responses and behaviors. We study three different types of learning: learning through association (classical conditioning), learning through reward or punishment (operant conditioning), and learning through imitation (observational learning). Learning theory is explored primarily through the Behavioral perspective, which emphasizes how the environment shapes who […]

Psychological Disorders and Treatment

Describe a fictitious client (not a real person) who suffers from one of the mental illnesses you read about this week, and provide a brief description of the various symptoms your fictitious client displays. Your post should also: Identify a diagnosis that could possibly fit this client. Provide a clear rationale for the diagnosis based […]


  ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION In a 3-4 page double-spaced document, succinctly and clearly reflect on your experiences parenting your “virtual child.” Be sure to make references to course concepts whenever appropriate.   Section I – What Went Right/Wrong? (approximately 1-2 pages) Reflect on your child’s experiences growing up. Describe in detail one thing that you believe positively influenced AND one thing […]


1.Though Jesse spent most of his growing years in a succession of foster homes after enduring abuse and neglect, his disposition in cheerful and his relationships are healthy and fulfilling. According to developmentalists, he exhibits ______ (the ability to overcome or bounce from adversity) despite his early experiences. 2.In a(n) ______, the scientist deliberately changes […]

Code of Ethics

Do you use a formal test review rubric or template? Why or why not? List the major instruments used and the category of each test. What are the most difficult tests to administer, score and interpret? Which Code of Ethics do you use and why? Professional background and preparation that you acquired in order to […]

Applying Memory Research to Learning

Discussion Thread: Applying Memory Research to Learning First review the Memory chapter in your textbook, then respond to all of the following prompts. Describe how the process of memorization works. Use the terms Encoding, Storage, and Retrieval in your explanation.    Imagine that you have a son in 7th grade. Your son needs to memorize […]

Reasoning, Intellectual Standards and Bias

Elements of Reasoning, Intellectual Standards and Bias Using the 8 elements of reasoning that were outlined in week 2 (Purpose, problem, information, concepts, assumptions, inferences, points of view, implications or consequences) choose a news article and break it down according to those elements. You will also describe how each of the 8 intellectual standards (clarity, […]

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