Archive by Author

Transitional and transformational change

Change can be identified in more than one way, such as developmental change, transitional change, and transformational change. Compare transitional change to transformational change.Include examples of companies that demonstrate change.

Global Marketing

What is a market skimming pricing strategy, and when would you use it? Consider the three global pricing alternatives: ethnocentric, polycentric, and geocentric pricing. Which pricing strategy would you recommend to a company that wants to engage in global marketing? Explain the strategy and why you would recommend it for your particular company. Why is […]

Ethical and Legal Issues

Discuss the Ethical and Legal Issues an organization faces


Discuss the potential synergies that may exist between leadership styles of problem solver, director and developer and how you can capitalize on them to increase productivity.

Organizational behavior

An organization’s culture can be defined as “the unwritten set of rules and informal policies that direct employer behavior.” Think about your own organization. What are cultural norms that govern the organization, and what types of behaviors does the culture promote? What behaviors does the culture punish? Do the specific behaviors you describe help enable […]

Administration process

Describe the administration process involved with a benefits program and how federal and state legislation plays a role in the process.

Relationship between pay structure change and market conditions

Explain the relationship between pay structure change and market conditions. Discuss the major issues and sub-issues that influence the employee’s pay.

Components of a flexible or cafeteria benefit plan

Explain the components of a flexible or cafeteria benefit plan. Discuss the hurdles that must be overcome before such plans will achieve greater acceptance and use. Explain the impact that the Revenue Act of 1978 has on these plans. Include examples

Compensation components

Identify and discuss potential compensation components offered to an employee of a U.S. business who is being given the opportunity to take a job at a foreign work site.


Do you think that a supportive stakeholder will have more influence on the project than a nonsupportive one? Why? Is there such as thing as “good risk”? If so, how do you manage good risk for repeat performance? Or should you? Small projects don’t usually require the same level of analysis as larger projects. How […]

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