Archive by Author

External recruitment

List and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of off-shoring jobs.

Labor relations

Are quality-of-work-life programs good or just a passing fad? Discuss.

Inventory control

Explain how you would assess and control inventory related risk

Galbraith’s Star model

Using Galbraith’s Star model, write a few sentences describing strategy, structure, processes, rewards and people at the USPS. Draw on the study report as well as any other information and you can gather.

Eligibility rules

Create a table comparing and contrasting the eligibility rules of two different agencies that offer the same type of program. Select one government agency and either a private or faith-based agency that offers a program for the homeless. Do not select the same agency you chose to analyze throughout the course. Write a brief summary […]

HR function

Describe the priorities for designing an HR function in your industry of study. This is the baseline for any company in your industry doing business anywhere in the world. Consider each of the major functions you have studied: For each area listed above, develop an objective, and include a supporting rationale, which will be your […]


Explain in detail some of the biggest environment challenges of the future for healthcare financial

Mergers and acquisitions

Can you determine a PUBLIC US based company that does not have a history of mergers and acquisitions and operates solely within the U.S

Labor relations

what steps can you suggest that might help john solve hid labor problems for the new plant in Tokyo


Which component of compensation is most essential to motivate executives to lead companies toward competitive advantage?

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